From what I can see I am allowed to post about our technology as it can provide value to individuals in this thread.
I work for
BioMass Energy Techniques Inc. We manufacture systems that use waste as fuel to produce thermal energy.
Key points about BET systems:
- 100+ commissioned and operational systems in North America
- 14 sizes ( 225,000 BTU - 22 Million BTU)
- 1300 *C internal temp
- No internal moving parts
- Can be non - electric
- DOES NOT REQUIRE DRY FUEL. Our systems prefer 65% moisture content in the feed stock.
Most of our systems use green wood waste as fuel (chips, sawdust, hogged, green bark).
We have personally tested rail road ties, hemp, hemp mats, rig mats, C&D waste, cardboard, MSW, Drilling Gel, Drill Cuttings, Used Oil, and Invert
Please message me if you would like more information.