N.Y. Anzai wrote:
Kristen Thompson wrote:
Hi there,
I was a short-term fellow for Stone Pier Press, and no longer work for them but I could reach out to the publisher to ask her if she has advice about this! I feel like there was a website she recommended for international shipping... hm... I'll see what I find out.
Oh thanks you that would be such a great help!!
N.Y. Anzai wrote:I'm really interested in both this book and her upcoming book tiny victory gardens. I'm not in the US so can't order directly from the publisher and I will not order from Amazon (ethical/moral reasons). Is there anywhere else I can buy the book from that ships abroad? An independent bookstore that sells online would be perfect.
Pearl Sutton wrote:That's a standard warning that something didn't work on our end. Sometimes it says that, has to do with the servers the forum runs on, just go back and try again.
Kristen Thompson wrote:
AngelinaGianna Maffeo wrote:
Pearl Sutton wrote:Apologies Kristen :) Hadn't done stuff to you, have now, check again please :)
Edit: I did stuff to Todd, Kristen, and AngelinaGianna... if all you would check.
Thank you it works just fine now
Thank you! It looks like it's working for me as well!
AngelinaGianna Maffeo wrote:
Pearl Sutton wrote:Apologies Kristen :) Hadn't done stuff to you, have now, check again please :)
Edit: I did stuff to Todd, Kristen, and AngelinaGianna... if all you would check.
Thank you it works just fine now
Pearl Sutton wrote:I did stuff. Can you both please check again and see if it's visible now, and tell us? Trying to figure out the issue. :D
Thomas Regnault wrote:
Hi Kristen! A thesis about temperate forest gardening, how interesting! Could we talk about this on skype soon?