Kristen Thompson

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since Feb 18, 2020
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Recent posts by Kristen Thompson

N.Y. Anzai wrote:

Kristen Thompson wrote:

Hi there,

I was a short-term fellow for Stone Pier Press, and no longer work for them but I could reach out to the publisher to ask her if she has advice about this! I feel like there was a website she recommended for international shipping... hm... I'll see what I find out.


Oh thanks you that would be such a great help!!

Okay, so I just heard back from the publisher, and she says this is the site for international buyers that carries all of Stone Pier Press's books: I hope you enjoy the books!
4 years ago

N.Y. Anzai wrote:I'm really interested in both this book and her upcoming book tiny victory gardens. I'm not in the US so can't order directly from the publisher and I will not order from Amazon (ethical/moral reasons). Is there anywhere else I can buy the book from that ships abroad? An independent bookstore that sells online would be perfect.

Hi there,

I was a short-term fellow for Stone Pier Press, and no longer work for them but I could reach out to the publisher to ask her if she has advice about this! I feel like there was a website she recommended for international shipping... hm... I'll see what I find out.

4 years ago
Hi Anne,

Welcome to Permies! I love temperate forest gardening, and I'm so excited to learn more about medicinal plants in forest gardening! I'm still a novice when it comes to homegrown medicinals. Thank you for joining us this week :)
4 years ago

Pearl Sutton wrote:That's a standard warning that something didn't work on our end. Sometimes it says that, has to do with the servers the forum runs on, just go back and try again.

Thank you! Hurrah! It officially worked this time!

Kristen Thompson wrote:

AngelinaGianna Maffeo wrote:

Pearl Sutton wrote:Apologies Kristen :) Hadn't done stuff to you, have now, check again please :)

Edit: I did stuff to Todd, Kristen, and AngelinaGianna... if all you would check.

Thank you it works just fine now

Thank you! It looks like it's working for me as well!

Oh dear. I'm sorry! I spoke too soon. I am now getting an error message when I try to save my changes. I tried Chrome and Firefox on my computer.

AngelinaGianna Maffeo wrote:

Pearl Sutton wrote:Apologies Kristen :) Hadn't done stuff to you, have now, check again please :)

Edit: I did stuff to Todd, Kristen, and AngelinaGianna... if all you would check.

Thank you it works just fine now

Thank you! It looks like it's working for me as well!

Pearl Sutton wrote:I did stuff. Can you both please check again and see if it's visible now, and tell us? Trying to figure out the issue. :D

Hi there, thank you for working on this! I just checked and, unfortunately, I'm still not seeing the bumper stickers option.

Landscape designer Owen Wormser is making the case for turning lawns into meadows in his new book. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution: they establish wildlife and pollinator habitats. They’re low-maintenance and low-cost. They have a built-in resilience that helps them weather climate extremes, and they can draw down and store far more carbon dioxide than any manicured lawn. In his new book, Lawns Into Meadows, Owen Wormser creates a clear guide for experienced and beginner gardeners alike to transform their monocrop lawns into beautiful, life-giving meadows.

Douglas W. Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home and Nature's Best Hope wrote, "It’s time to rebuild meadows wherever we can, including the deadscape we call lawn. Owen Wormser explains why, and how to do this, with oodles of highly readable, ecologically sound advice."

Where to get it

Stone Pier Press
Amazon US
Amazon CA
Amazon UK
Amazon AU

Related Video

Related Websites

Abound Design - author's website
21 plants to transform your lawn into a meadow
From Lawn to Meadow

Read an excerpt here.
4 years ago

Thomas Regnault wrote:
Hi Kristen! A thesis about temperate forest gardening, how interesting! Could we talk about this on skype soon?

Hi Thomas! Thank you for your interest! I'd be happy to talk further! Feel free to send me a "Purple Mooseage" so we can coordinate about a time to talk!
4 years ago
Hi, thank you all for looking into this! In response to Nicole's question, I'm on my computer using the Firefox browser.