Tina Wolf

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since Apr 05, 2020
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I was in IT for programming and report writing.  I'm spiritual, meditate and have written a couple healing meditation books.  I know my first beekeeping mentor through my spiritual pursuits.
I started beekeeping after taking his class.  We had class time and installed a nuc in a hive.  I saw the hive freeze to death that winter in a conventional hive.  There had to be other options so I researched better and found Fyodor Lazutin's original Keeping Bees With a Smile book. I have built them and that's where my bees live now. That led me to permaculture which was a way to feed the bees. Left the IT profession after 2015, sold the house, became a certified permaculture designer and started my own Permaculture Design business, W.E.B. Permaculture. W is wolf, E is eagle, B is bear...all power animals, and the order "web" hints at the soil food web. My son and I named the company.
We couldn't support ourselves with permaculture design alone so I kept studying. Became a Master Gardener and "discovered" irrigation during the last class. Became a Licensed Irrigator and expanded our services to Landscaping, Irrigation, Drainage, and Landscape Lighting. Covid hit and we helped people create gardens and maintain them with working irrigation, drainage and landscape lighting.
My first mentor appeared with my interest in Irrigation. Lionel P. was 80, at the time, and an old ex-farmer. He knows just about everything ... that's my impression, anyway. He trained me in irrigation, installations, repairs, electrical and troubleshooting. Around the same time I met another mentor, Max, who was also around 80 at the time. He taught me how to repair my car, work on wood, work on small engines and about tools. Max's idea of a break is to go from one project to another...obviously, he taught me my work ethic.
In my opinion, it is essential when beginning your permaculture/homesteading/PEP journey.
I love just about every forum on here. Glad to be part of such a wonderful community.
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Zone 8b North Texas
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Recent posts by Tina Wolf

This would be a reference book since
I'm new to sourdough.
I would like to see your book organized by different breads. Maybe a page at the beginning of the chapter mentioning all the things I can do with it then move on to recipes with pictures.
I also bake when I have time only so would love to see how to dehydrate the sourdough to store it for later use without it going bad.
I love your books!
1 week ago
Thanks for the plans, Mike!

My son and I are using them to create a worm bin for him to raise his own night crawlers for fishing.

Lol...if he decides to not continue it or loses interest, I'll raise them for the castings!
5 months ago

C Simpson wrote:I wanted to see if folks out there have any recommendations on how to start keeping bees. ...

The trick is sifting through all the "books" as you figure out how you want to keep bees. Personally, they are pollinators to me. So, I don't rob the honey. I took a class that included installing a nuc in a new hive. They froze to death the first winter. "Keeping Bees With a Smile" by Fyodor Lazutin showed me how to build my own horizontal hive with 4" thick insulated walls to protect them from the elements. My bees survived a zone 5 freeze for days and thrive here in 105+ degree humid weather here in Texas. I hope you and your bees thrive!
5 months ago
Okay, so that last tree may not be the right application for a timber tool, but the one Stephen demonstrates looks useful to direct timber being cut by those of us with little experience. It sure seems like a great safety tool. I like how it is energy efficient by using only elbow grease!

5 months ago
In the case the trees are strong enough for your purpose and large enough to be a challenge to cut down, I'd see about using the timber tool Stephen talks about in this video. It directs the tree to fall where you want it to. In his video, Stephen gives good info on how to use it.

Looks like your sanding created some texture! Looks really nice!
5 months ago
We are in the same boat...central heat is super expensive, so we use space heaters. Also, our old AC unit needs to be replaced so we have the room AC units. Eventually, I would like an earth tube to cool and a rocket mass heater to heat my "to be built" hobbit/Oehler house.

I raised my son by myself. We sold our house, moved into an RV to save money while I started my own business. Income started very slow and was supplemented by part-time jobs, but it grows annually. We also live frugally to help keep expenses down.

As for credit, I have enough to keep a good credit rating otherwise I pay as I go.
5 months ago
Stephen received a donation via regular mail so I wanted to share that address for any others who might wish to do the same.

Stephen Thomas
c/o Paul Wheaton
2120 s reserve #351,
Missoula, MT 59801

You can always purple moosage Stephen directly for his paypal link.

6 months ago

Thea Morales wrote:

Tina Wolf wrote:As a Permaculture Designer and Licensed Irrigator, I appreciate the natural approach to eliminating irrigation. I'm a huge believer in catching, and storing, rainwater underground.

Tina, area you (perhaps) a Wyoming gal? I believe we’ve met through someone at my church.

Hi Thea, I am in Texas. I'm glad there's another me in Wyoming though! 😂
6 months ago
Great Tansy pics! Thanks for sharing!

When I know I'll be on the computer for the day I save your posts to read "first thing in the morning". It starts my day on a positive note!

Your efforts are appreciated.
6 months ago