Serenity Jayne

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since Apr 09, 2020
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Recent posts by Serenity Jayne

For dinner..

Hand made Sourdough loaf & Rolls
With a Jazzy mix micro green salad w/Rosemary from the garden.
And of course Korean bbq jerky!
& we tried a new treat with our sourdough starter.
Orange zest sourdough cake for desert! šŸ¤¤
Devoured delightfully from the garden. šŸŒ±
Alaska life.šŸ’–šŸ‘
4 years ago
It doesnā€™t seem to eat as much as the others, but come feeding time itā€™s right there waiting and excited like the rest. It drinks plenty of water, and runs and plays With the others. It had acted strange the first week, with the unsteadiness and heavy breathing. Has since recovered from that. I will absolutely give the fermented foods a try! I greatly appreciate the tip, anything that may help..
Iā€™ve not weighed it but it still feels as if it weighs virtually nothing. Itā€™s managed to develop maybe 4/5 flight feathers but itā€™s hatch mates take me almost both hands to handle comfortably and This little thing is smaller than the palm of my hand. So developing maybe? But no growth..
I will look into a scale this week and give that a try!
Really appreciate the help!
4 years ago
I purchased a few Black Australorp/Brahma mix chicks on April 25th. They were about 5 days old when I brought them home. The first 4/5 days one of the chicks seemed extremely unstable on its legs/feet. Was panting heavy (I monitored the temp religiously - and none of my other chicks were showing signs of overheating and theyā€™re much more feathered). I made sure to throw in some electrolytes into the water. Itā€™s now behaving just fine, it eats, drinks, hangs with the big chicks just fine. They donā€™t pick on it. As of right now Weā€™re a little over a week away from hitting the one month mark? and this little chick still isnā€™t growing?!? The other 4 have Developed beautiful feathering and are larger than the palm of my hand.. this one still looks as if itā€™s 3 days old and is just now getting tiny feathers but itā€™s size hasnā€™t changed.. Iā€™m thinking possibly Mareks Disease?? Or maybe stunted growth? I really would like to get some input / opinions on what my next course of action should be??
Iā€™ve attached photos of the smaller chick along with one of its hatch mates to give a visual as to the difference in size.. and these photos are about a week old.. so the others have grown even more since.. Iā€™m slightly concerned, should I be? šŸ˜‚
Thanks to all in advance!
4 years ago