Mk James

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since Apr 18, 2020
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A relative died relatively young and very unexpectedly with no written will. Their verbal statement on the phone I've been told even if phone records were retrieved that verbal doesn't stand up in court. The first lawyer wasted 4 months of my time and wouldn't even respond to the bar association, he is now getting a formal grievance. New lawyer interviewed (no paid work yet) says we are most likely not in the chart of inheritors. There are possibly people in Germany or EU who would be in line first, according to the legal heirship chart in TX. No one knows if they are still living, no contact in 50+ yrs and the heirfinder services for Germany are very expensive. What are my obligations to find those people? What happens if I can't afford to pay for the heirfinder service? No administrator has been designated yet, funds are tied up until one is designated. Expenses of their property and animals and legal fees are falling to me but I have zero access to insurance claim funds, claims are waiting to finish processing but are waiting for an estate administrator, I have no legal standing on the property until an Administrator is designated or the heir is found. We don't intend to abandon a family property. It was my uncle's and he paid it off. We want to keep the property in the family or use the funds. We are not willing to just let it go to the state. If we didn't pay the taxes it would go to a tax sale. Apparently state of TX wouldn't bother to try to find the foreign heirs? We will try to pay the taxes if we can, to retain it and not allow a bidder from the public to get it, but we need to be able to get legal title. I need to find out about adverse possession or ?? How much or any due diligence is necessary at our own expense to try to find the foreign possible heirs? They were completely estranged and cut off by the deceased, mutual hate, but they didn't make a written will so that is who is in the chain of legal inheritance. This death was unexpected and let it be a warning to everyone to please do a DETAILED written will with a LONG chain of SEVERAL inheritors listed. not just a few, because people can pass away and leave none mentioned still living, and make sure to file the will with the county. Those of you putting in sweat equity on family property etc you MUST protect yourself with wills legal documents etc. Anyone have any advice? or can you recommend a good lawyer in SW TX? bilingual in German a plus
- low income and going broke in the desert trying to save the family property
There is a gal who sells natural dyed wools, she has a whole line from nothing but invasive plants. She gets an amazing variety of colors from buckthorn which apparently is an invasive where she is. I'll try to get the info of her name and business name and post it here, it's escaping me at the moment
2 years ago
I'm interested in growing siberian pea shrub (cargana?) For dye as well as a green veg (green seed pods), possible animal feed, shrub/windbreak/privacy hedge, soil improvement (nitrogen fixing, hard soil break up, etc). From what I understand it makes beautiful blues and was being used in northern arid places for ikat etc.
2 years ago