Elizabeth Horsley

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since Apr 28, 2020
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Recent posts by Elizabeth Horsley

I don't think anyone has mentioned caulk yet. I had to rip out a shower due to a caulk fail that got out of hand. If the mold is growing around/in the caulk, the old caulk needs to be removed and redone. There's no good way to clean it once the mold has gotten into the caulk. There are various grades of caulk, some meant to last longer than others. The one you want should say 100% silicone somewhere on the bottle.
11 months ago
The nice thing about a crocheted washcloth is that it can be very wonky and still work for its intended purpose. If I'm teaching a friend to crochet, that's usually the project I start with. Hopefully, that brings the intimidation level down.

For beginner yarn recommendations, a lot of people start with acrylic yarn because it's cheap, easy to find, and easy to work with. However, acrylic yarn is made of plastic and the washcloth BB specifically says to use natural material. You'll be better off using a cotton yarn like this: https://www.walmart.com/browse/arts-crafts-sewing/yarn/lily-sugar-n-cream/1334134_7780827/YnJhbmQ6TGlseSBTdWdhciiduIENyZWFt. It's also very easy to find, cheap, and easy to work with. 100% cotton will give you a better result for your washcloth and be BB compliant.
11 months ago

Jay Angler wrote:

R West wrote:Uh... thin the herd of cats? (Distasteful but...?)

I have a friend who's a naturalist and professional bird photographer*. He would totally vote for live trapping and handing them over to the authorities. They kill huge numbers of song birds which are in huge decline due to loss of habitat, food supply, environmental toxins and diseases like bird flu.

It would be interesting to know how many of those female feral cats have been neutered? If the answer is "none of the them", it makes control a more pressing issue. Simply chasing them off your property, won't solve the overall pressure.

*http://www.naturalimagescanada.ca/  - warning, gorgeous bird pictures that will suck you in...

Second this! I love my two indoor cats, but outside cats roaming the neighborhood are an invasive species. I spoke with my city's animal services a while back and they said they would come pick up a cat if I trapped it for them first. They then make sure the cat is spayed/neutered and make the owner pay a fee or adopt them out to a new person. I might have more hesitation if my city had to euthanize unadopted pets, but that's a separate issue.
1 year ago
Could you pre-make the meals and take them? When we go camping, I do every possible step I can at home which usually amounts to everything but the cooking. That would reduce excess packaging/food cut-offs and make it easier to whip something up for your family and relatives.
1 year ago
I'm thinking of purchasing a small portable rocket stove such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Portable-Burning-Camping-backyard/dp/B0BZ4D72QF/ref=sr_1_4?crid=11NGT4XKC6HP7&keywords=rocket+stove&qid=1692144338&sprefix=rocket+stove%2Caps%2C505&sr=8-4 or this one: https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Camping-Portable-Chamber-Carrying/dp/B0B55MZ3ST/ref=sr_1_8?crid=11NGT4XKC6HP7&keywords=rocket+stove&qid=1692144338&sprefix=rocket+stove%2Caps%2C505&sr=8-8

My goals would be to:
1. Cook grain on it and be able to finish the cooking PEP badge. I'm already confident cooking on an open fire.
2. Have it as a backup cooking implement for SHTF. I live in north Texas and S indeed HTF a couple of years ago.
3. Fun with friends cooking stuff on the back porch.

I'm not familiar with RM stoves. Is something like this worth my time to experiment with? Is it likely to just fall apart on me? How cheap and easy would it be for a newbie to construct a small RM stove so it's not worth buying one?
1 year ago
For this BB, I used the Almond Flour pizza crust linked in the first post: https://comfybelly.com/2010/08/cheese-bread-and-pie-crust/
Harvest, dry, and store one of the following for a tea, infusion, or decoction:
Create an infusion (hot or cold) of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create a decoction of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create a tincture of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create a vinegar infusion of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create an oil infusion of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create syrup or gummies from one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create a salve from one of the following (fresh or dried):
Create a poultice of one of the following (fresh or dried):
Minimum requirements:
- Make a decoction
- Strain and store your decoction

To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (< 2 minutes):
- Thyme (either being harvested or just harvested)
- Making  the decoction
- Finished decoction in its labeled jar

Theresa Garrison wrote:We just moved into a new-to-us house.  I've been cleaning for the past week with seemingly no end in sight.  Hoping this will keep me motivated.

Before and after photos:





(Once again, the photos don't show on the bulletin board, but are there when right-clicked.  Can someone please help me to load them so they show?)

Try adding the pictures as attachments instead.
1 year ago
I made a calendula salve using calendula-infused olive oil (from this BB: https://permies.com/p/1875179). The other ingredients are beeswax (from the bottom of a beeswax candle because that's what I have to use) and shea butter.