John Picton

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since May 01, 2020
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Recent posts by John Picton

A prominent ear-nose-and-throat specialist I consulted found infection in my inner ear which may have leaked through a eardrum perforation.  He strictly advised not to use any pharmacy preparation, instead a mixture of 1 part white vinegar and 4 parts gin or vodka or any other high alcohol content product. NOT to drink! but to insert 3 to 4 drops twice daily with a cotton wool plug to keep the mixture in. Further not to use any sort of earbud or other insertion as this cold cause exacerbation or damage to the sensitive parts of the ear.  Like some of the suggestions above, it worked extremely well.  With greetings from Johannesburg, South Africa.
1 month ago
It may be a differentiation in the Land Across the Pond, but my understanding is that baking powder and baking soda are of the same chemical composition.  Does anyone agree, disagree or able to illuminate?
2 years ago
Official regulations in South Africa and my advanced age work against my actually building an RMH, but I find the discussions and theory fascinating.  Matt solved one problem I had in what to use as the top of the bell and how to support it.  A video of using the rocket principal to heat a clay/pizza oven raised the problem of  a suitable floor which would be self-supporting and withstand all the rigours of high heat.  This, together with Matt mentioning the slabs he has used to cover the bell brought soapstone to mind.  It has incredible properties, attractive finishes, high strength yet can easily be cut and shaped for thickness and fitting available spaces but best of all it can withstand 1000 deg centigrade (2012 F).  It can store heat for extended periods but is also a very good transmitter of heat.  Cooking utensils which prove extremely durable have been made from it for several thousands of years.  Soapstone deposits are widespread in the Appalachian range from Maine to Georgia with significant deposits in Vermont and Virginia and is used for all sorts of ways from high-heat fire places to kitchen cabinet tops, fire pots and cooking utensil apart from its decorative properties.  I would be interested to hear any comments.
2 years ago
Audacity is an open source free download with numerous features which may help.
3 years ago
I am not in this for the badge bit, but South Africa is a water scarce country and even when the water storage dams are full (as they are at present due to unprecedentedly persistent and heavy rains) water restrictions remain in force.  My wife and I - pensioners thus cost conscious - have a large basin in our shower in which we stand, thus collecting as much water as possible.  Soap, shampoo etc. doesn't matter, the collected water either used directly in the toilet bowl or is kept in a large 25 litre drum for future use.  Have done so now for several years.  Works well.  Kind regards to everyone.    North Riding, Randburg, Johannesburg.
Good morning, Michael,

I wonder if your small tomato was not one of the cocktail varieties.  Thanks to the local bird life, I had a number of self-sown such plants, all bright yellow with copious yields and sweet tasting - ideal for chutney and tomato onion sauces.  The plants appeared in our spring - August 2019 - and continued to bear fruit right through our winter, perhaps because my very small garden is enclosed by a high wall.

Now that we are back in this year's spring, i have uprooted these plants to make way for new veggies, but I can guarantee you that within a very short time I will find new tomato plants in every conceivable part of the garden!

Best Wishes,  John

Give it a go.  You have done so much already and provided a huge amount of well researched information this would be right up your street.

4 years ago
From a chilly South African high veld, thank you for the fantastic work you are all doing.   While my own garden in  a residential complex is tiny, so much information can be adapted, and providing efficient heat is marvelous.  Many kind regards.
4 years ago