d edwards

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since Dec 26, 2020
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Recent posts by d edwards

Hi All.
Has anyone had any luck tracking down comfrey bocking 4 here in the UK.
that's very interesting.
So what actually is it?
A mineral, crystal? And how would you take it?
2 years ago
Thanks Nancy, Mike, Pearl and Jim

Yes there were no air pockets as I added it to the jars this only happened after the canning process.
So my fears have been abated and I won't eye that jar with suspicion in the cupboard anymore.

Wild garlic soup recipes

1 carrot
1 stick of celery
1 onion (white)
Massive bunch of wild garlic
Potatoes (just enough to thicken the soup slightly)
Salt and pepper
Vegetable stock

I don't know if you guys have wild garlic in north america, but the bottom of my garden is full of it right now. It likes to grow by rivers or damp shady spots and has a short growing season, 1 month or so.
It's very common here in the southeast of england and the west country and I'm not sure if it is up north.

It's just about to come into flower now and it is at it's best when young.

2 years ago
Hi all. This is my first post, so sorry if it's a bit basic.

I just canned my first 2 different soups. Wild garlic and cauliflower and potatoes.
The cauliflower and potatoes was slightly thicker and after canning I can see some air pockets in there.
You can see in the picture, cauliflower and potatoes on the right.

They all had 75 mins as the presto book recommended.
Is this normal? Should I be worried of dying in the depths of winter if I eat it then?
Some reassurance from someone  with more experience would be grand.

2 years ago