Susan Stuart

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since Jan 23, 2021
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Recent posts by Susan Stuart

I should also mention I'm interested in intentional communities or other perhaps work-trade share type arrangements, if anyone hears of anything. I like to travel so am not necessarily looking for somewhere to be full time, but just new home base options. Please feel free to get in touch. Thanks again!
4 years ago
Thank you, everyone, for the input. It's interesting to read about your experiences - I'm not sure when a move would actually happen (summer earliest) but I'll keep this advice in mind.

4 years ago
Hi everyone - I'm new here. I studied permaculture years ago, got a PDC, haven't done much with it. I am thinking about moving to New Hampshire and wondering about building codes there and natural building options. Can anyone advise? (Or if there is a better thread to ask.) Thanks!

4 years ago