Forrest Adams

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since Jan 23, 2021
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Mike Haasl wrote:So if your cousin had impressed his uncle by building all these experiences, and if his uncle didn't have a closer relation to will it to, it sounds like your cousin may have inherited some property.

I'd  venture to go out on a limb and say "It would have been a cold day in hell."

Jimmy Burt wrote:This is just a quick Hello and me documenting our goals.  If you don't document it, there is no accountability, right?

We currently live on 5 acres in Oklahoma.  

We just built our first Chicken house and enclosed yard/run. We plan to free range the birds during the day, and put them up at night for their safety.  We are waiting for warmer weather to actually get the birds though.  We have a long list of plans/wants for the homestead, and we are just getting started.  We just added about 10 fruit trees last year, and plan to add more each year.  We plan to start with bees this year, and to enlarge our garden.  My wife is still trying to talk me into goats as well, but I honestly think she just wants the baby goats, when they are small and cute.

We also have another 40 acres a couple miles up the road, it is thickly grown up with Pecan trees, and is down in the Creek Bottom (and is boggy), so we are not real sure of our plans for that yet.  

My Father in Law wants to get a small saw mill and mill some of those trees for lumber to build himself a simple cabin on our 5 acres with us.  It will just be his "visiting place" as my in-laws (who are Great) live about 90 minutes away, but since we live in the country, my F-i-L likes to come up and visit, both the grandkids and nature.  They live in a Metro area, and he misses the country life.

We live in a renovated 110+ year old plantation style house that has been in our family for years.  It has lots of character, but anything this old, is a continual project in its own right too.

We are not off grid, and don't have any plans to drop the grid, but we would love to add resiliency, and reduce our dependence on the grid in any areas that we can.  

I don't know if you have acquired a sawmill yet or not, but  I have a friend who has a sawmill and is wanting to work it.  I'm new here as you can see, but if you are interested in getting with him and working out whatever it would be you guys could work out, I'd be happy to send you his contact information.  Of course I don't know where you're located.  I'm/we're in Latimer County in Southeastern, OK.  
4 years ago

D.W. Stratton wrote:So let's say I go through and warm a bunch of the homesteading badges and what have you. I get to a point where I know good and well I could run 50-100 acres no problem. How do I make Otis down the street aware of this without coming off sounding super thirsty for him to give me his land? Would a classified ad in the local paper be a good idea simply indicating I'm looking for land to inherit? Have any of you been successful SKIPping? How did you manage it?

I just inherited the family farm.  Shortly after the funeral my (10 year older) cousin and his wife came out and visited during which he announces that I should give him 10 acres.  To which I replied. "Why didn't you ask your uncle?"  No one wishes to simply give what they have spent their life working for to someone who just a simply wants it.  IMO.  At any rate my cousin (The self proclaimed "Smartest man in the world".)  isn't moving here!  lol