Finn Macheit

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since Jan 24, 2021
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A dear creature new to the world of permaculture, newly a land owner, and perpetually confused about every little step I take. However, quite friendly, inquisitive and intuitive, and a sponge for information.
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Tucson, AZ
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Recent posts by Finn Macheit

Manfred Steibli wrote:Hi there, I am re framing my post from this morning. I am 63 years old, my wife a bit older and not able to work outdoors. We live on 6 acres, green, irrigated, lots of trees, a treasure here in Northern Arizona. In the last couple of years we build a green house having greens, tomatoes and much more all winter. Last year I did a Perma Culture Design class and am so exited to work on food forest ideas etc, but there is only so much I can do just by myself.
I can not afford to take on more responsibilities for paid help but I can offer a lot of opportunity. Together we can work on ideas of profitable homestead projects, which could be with expanding our Aquaponics system to semi commercial, or growing Micro Greens, Mushrooms or expanding our flock of poultry.
Whatever creative people interested in sustainable living could come up with. There is space for an RV or trailer hookup and the potential of a small apartment as part of the main house. Lets talk and see what we can do together.

This poor post never got the responses it deserved, I'd say! Manfred, if you're still building up your acres, good on you! My partner and I are moving to Northern Arizona sometime in the next few years, and have been making a few trips north-ward. I hope you've found some assistance and worked out a great partnership with someone!
3 years ago

Nicholas Kush wrote:I am a natural builder living in Phoenix Arizona. I have built cob, adobe, and wood hybrids. I am starting an earthbag hybrid project in Idaho until winter comes (first experience with earthbags). After fall I will be available in Arizona to help with earthbag or any natural building project if needed.

I'm going to be looking into eventually constructing an earthbag home in Williams, so I just might have to look you up!
3 years ago
Greetings and salutations!

First time poster, parcel owner, eventual builder, and new to the concept of permaculture/natural building, so my apologies if this thread isn't quite in the right place; I'm still learning!

This post/inquiry is directly aimed towards individuals who have experience building an earthbag/alternative-material home in Coconino County, Arizona, where I've recently purchased a plot of land in an Agricultural Residential zone. Currently, the property is being surveyed by a professional surveyor, and within the next two weeks I should be aware of property boundaries.

That being said, my partner and I are seeking to create an earthbag home by hand, complete with a composting toilet rather than a wastewater system (so no plumbing/septic required). We're also interested in using a similar method to create a water cistern for collection purposes, and incorporating solar for electrical needs. In addition, we'd like to own a few chickens and grow several of our own plants, so that we essentially have a sustainable homestead that we can enjoy for years to come.

I am aware that Coconino County offers the Innovative Materials and Systems Pilot Program (PP) which potentially eliminates a need for the ungodly amount of permits generally required for building an alternative-material home. My land fits in every keyhole, except one: the PP states that the AR land in question, when applying for the PP, must be 2.5 acres or more. Unfortunately, the land I've acquired is about 1.16 acres, just shy of half the requirement.

So the question is this: is there any way that the county could be persuaded to allow for a lesser acreage to apply for the PP, provided certain terms are met?

I have gone ahead and e-mailed the sustainability team for the county and am waiting to hear back, so hopefully they'll be able to offer an inkling as to the why's and how's, but no less, this seemed like the perfect place to try and get some answers, if there are any to be had, and I thank you!
4 years ago