Hanna Bennet

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since Jan 29, 2021
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Recent posts by Hanna Bennet

Nancy Reading wrote:I think it will self correct. Plant it as you would if it had not started sprouting, in such a way that it has the best chance of 'unfolding' and pushing the seed/leaf sprout out, and I'm pretty sure it will be fine. Please let us know how they get on though!
Here's a cool video on a bean seed sprouting - you can see how it pushes the soil away to emerge from the surface!

Thank you again, Nancy; I appreciate it!
1 month ago

Nancy Reading wrote:Hi Hanna, I have zero experience with ice cream bean (what a great name!) However I wouldn't like to trim the tap root if at all possible to plant it as it is, just in case it introduces a disease to the root. It looks like it will grow into a big tree so chances are the root system will be fine in time. Can you find a big enough pot to plant it in as it is? Quite often legumes will push the seeds right in time given enough space - they know which way is up and which way is the sun.

Hopefully I’m doing this right (replying); sorry, not only am I a permie I’m also a newbie!
Thank you so much Nancy for responding and for your advice! The whole taproot is bent and I didn’t realize it until I took one out to transplant. I am transplanting it into the ground. Should I try to straighten it out? Or just place it in the soil and it will self correct?
1 month ago
Hello everyone! I apologize in advance for somewhat hijacking this thread; however, it was closest to my situation and I need help fast! I too live in a cloud forest and I am planting out ice cream bean seedlings. Unfortunately the seeds were already starting to grow when I received them and the taproots are now bent. Can I safely trim the taproot right above the bend? Thanks so much in advance!
1 month ago
Hi everyone, is there a pioneer trees list for rainforests or tropical zones?
3 years ago
Hi all, I’m inspired by the ideas listed here! I have a similar problem... I have a ditch on my farm (it was created by stormwater draining into the property) that I’d like to stop from widening. I figured I could also turn it into a pond for about no more than 5-7 ducks. I’m also thinking to use vetiver and other plants to both hold the soil and filter the water along with small fish. I am contemplating packing stones at the base of the pond that will overflow into a second one below, and if possible creating a swale to lead the poop water to the garden, as the pond will overflow due to rain or I could “flush” it myself. Questions: is this feasible? Any potential problems I’m not seeing at this moment? Would I still need a filter? I’m totally off grid and in a tropical setting, is there an affordable solar option? Lastly, I’m on a slope; is it absolutely necessary to line the bottom and what material would be best suited for a neutral rift in the earth?

SN: Dan, why do you have pvc pipes in your hay?
3 years ago