Nancy Reading wrote:I think it will self correct. Plant it as you would if it had not started sprouting, in such a way that it has the best chance of 'unfolding' and pushing the seed/leaf sprout out, and I'm pretty sure it will be fine. Please let us know how they get on though!
Here's a cool video on a bean seed sprouting - you can see how it pushes the soil away to emerge from the surface!
Nancy Reading wrote:Hi Hanna, I have zero experience with ice cream bean (what a great name!) However I wouldn't like to trim the tap root if at all possible to plant it as it is, just in case it introduces a disease to the root. It looks like it will grow into a big tree so chances are the root system will be fine in time. Can you find a big enough pot to plant it in as it is? Quite often legumes will push the seeds right in time given enough space - they know which way is up and which way is the sun.