Chris Richardson

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since Feb 01, 2021
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Recent posts by Chris Richardson

Hello, I saw the post, found it interesting.  So.ewhat open ended.  But I suppose that could be ironed out.
My name's Chris Richardson, I live here in Kentucky. Am a independent general contractor, with experience in all facets of home construction, hardscaping and landscaping. Horticulture certification, green living cert. Along with sustainable building cert. Grew up homesteading and have carried that into my everyday life.  I'm interested in speaking with you to better follow your thoughts.  I can be reached either or 859-413-6679.  Look forward to hearing from you. Have a great night.
1 year ago
Ted I have to agree.  When things collapse and they will,just at what degree?  People will be left not knowing what to do.  Including alot of homesteaders, that I have met. Many which depend on the internet to help them when they run into a problem.  Due to lack of personal connections.  As far as date sites, 51 here and not interested in the modern day meat market.  What happened to meeting at the grocery or feed store?  Or here's a better one--why don't people just state their intentions and (mind blower🤯); carry thru?  From my perspective, it's mere fact that somewhere down the line some wires got crossed.
Don't get me wrong, a self sufficient strong female is a very good thing.  But when women have reach a certain age range and depended on themselves for too long. She really has no place for a man (other than in her thoughts).  I say this due to what it means to a woman when a man comes into her life. Alot of her control is gone (in her mind); being submissive is negative.. and Men reach a certain age it's the same result. Only a man is not a social being by nature and learns thru his life that there is only himself to depend upon.  It's A double edged sword.  But Facts Are facts
People need to respect each others time, and motivations. That's is the talking stage. Talk To Me long enough, and I will know if your blowin hot wind or not. Pick up a tool, any tool and I'll know in seconds if you know what your doing.. life has purpose,and people have lost it--other than self sustainability.  🤯 That isn't living....
Well I would rather just call a kettle a kettle..  I have the resources to do my own thing. But, have looked into and tried to speak to those that claim they are looking for a partner or merely looking for help.   Those I have tried to speak with are those I thought I would be a good fit.  In fact a few of the contacts were to me. Then they don't carry thru with any type of interaction (email, text, phone calls); even though they claim that is what they want.  So back to that kettle, the single females here are not serious, it's more that they like the {idea}; of having good man.
I'd even say they toy with the idea (experience). And those who are looking for help starting a homestead or getting it on the right track, want to offer someone a place to stay rent free? That's it?  Where's the incentive?  Stay rent free until a person says or does something the owner doesn't like and boots you out? As if people get along..  
    Because my thoughts were that if I could find a lady that has property, and ready to go.  I have funds to move it ahead. Same as a home stead help.  But noone is real on the subjects...  So the idea sounds good on paper, but the end results will be the same..
You still have a short period, but if you could ask for a month extension before they foreclose. Go to your local USDA office and explain the issue. They can help possibly with a loan to pay your farm off. Really low if any Interest rates.  What you could do is go to the AG union bank in your area, explain your situation and tell them you would like apply for a loan thru the USDA. They may be able to steer you in the right direction one way or another.  May have to call the extension office to get the local USDA office #...  The loans they provide are specifically for and Maintaining rural renewal. Kicker---for low income. hope this helps in anyway.
1 year ago
Here's another Kentuckian.  Sounds like fun. But the dog didn't look happy after a 28 degree night.  
1 year ago
Not understanding the post. Are you inviting people to come help you build? If so,do you mind if I ask what the incentives are?  Is it a landshark,possibility of purchasing land, or work for land agreement?  Curious?
1 year ago
Was curious, I'm in Kentucky (bourbon co); so wanted to check your site.  It doesn't allow anything.  States it's a private site, owner login.  Would like to talk with you concerning the post.  I am interested..859-413-6679.  ty
1 year ago
Jason, I noticed you only received 2 replies. I'm a single man that has a couple dogs.  I own a home here in Kentucky.  But would love an opportunity to further explore land opportunity in your area.  Helping you. While I care and improve your property.
31 years experience in all phase of construction. With certs. In a lot of fields.  From Green living to sustainable building. Although my experience goes far beyond what my certs and diplomas say.  Very self sufficient. If your still interested in someone. Give me a call. 859-413-6679 Chris. I'd like to talk over details...
1 year ago