T'Voh Ha

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since Feb 26, 2021
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Also if anyone is interested here is the U.S.Navy link to the Quanset Hut Assemble Manuals!


God bless and be well!
T'Voh Ha
3 years ago
Aloha Bonnie!
Well I Am finally on my land now and have 300+ watts of solar electric to start with!

Bonnie you have encouraged me greatly! So much that I Am considering purchasing a tubing bender and actually making the entire structures from scratch instead of buying a pre-made collection of parts.

So what I'd like to ask you now is about the maximum height of any of the metal panel hoop houses you created. Interestingly the U.S. Navy back in the 1940s original quanset hut design is for 20 x 48 like the one building you covered.

Height is a consideration for comfortable living space though, and since the walls curve in at the top I Am thinking about a few feet of straight pipe at the base with the hoops on top.

Your designs are PROVEN IN THE REAL WORLD OHIO SNOWBELT! I will have nothing like these snow loads in the tropics, so I trust the reality of what you have created.

Q 1-a)  
So what is the max height x width that you have built so far? (Length does not seem to be much of a concern for load bearing so I will customize length as desired.)

1) What is the spacing between the ribs?
2) How many purlins did you use?
3) What is the diameter of the pipe used?
4) Do you have any specialized hardware and sources you would suggest for me?
5) Did you do anything like add trusses and such to the hoops?

That's all for now an Mahalo for your kindness, expertise and support!
God bless and be well!
T'Voh Ha
3 years ago
Aloha Jason!
Do you have any photos of these kits and where can I obtain a kit like this?
God bless and be well!
4 years ago
Aloha James!

This is EXACTLY why I love this forum, people like you! Everyone here just pitches in with a positive mindset and Can DO attitudes! This is exactly how humans are supposed to live and work together!

James I love your idea and will use it on other pending projects. Here in Hawaii bamboo is plentiful and makes very lasting and charming structures when done right! So Mahalo Sir James!

For the main purpose now at hand the steel panels are an ANSWER TO PRAYER particularly due to the fine photos showing it already being done in Ohio, and the awesome descriptions and instructions from Bonnie Johnson, on how she did it! She sounds like a woman straight out of Proverbs 31!

As  I said I Am NEW to this forum, but I Am coming to realize through you and Bonnie that there are likely very many more people here with the same intelligence, perspectives, and positive attitudes about caring, sharing, and getting things done! I have nearly every issue of The Mother EARTH NEWS IN MY POSSESSION (on USB drive) and was a subscriber when they started back in 1970! This forum is a fine companion for those materials because the attitudes are the same, yet  unique perspective if offered here as well!
Please, anyone else with ideas do keep them coming! Nothing is too weird, unusual, or crazy! I Am even considering making a BAMBOO PYRAMID! I already have the corrosion proof metal connectors! It IS going to be an awesome multi-purpose structure!

Mahalo to you all for helping me and making me feel like FAMILY!

as always...
Kulia I Ka Nu'U (Strive for the highest!)

God bless and be well!

T'Voh Ha
4 years ago
Aloha and MAhalo for your kind consideration and time in answering my queries!

When I was in Ohio and we had that much snow it was time to beak out the snow wing and the sleds, head to off into the forest to a place we named Seven Hills and enjoy a day of sledding and fun!

My older brother would make a fire inside a thicket of trees for us to keep warm by. It was good, clean, cheap fun all day long and when we returned home full of joyful exhaustion we were welcomed with hot cocoa, a hot bath, and a good long sound nights sleep!

Dear Lady, I desire to see any and all photos you have relative to these projects. Also the exact screws you used and the exact sealant. If you like her is my email address whee you can send them, and also we can communicate on other project details without risking overages or irrelevancies on the web server. I Am new to this and want to be polite and sever space does cost money, so I Am mindful and considerate of such things.  Alohaman4ever@gmail.com

Mahalo once again! and

Kulia I Ka Nu  (strive for the highest!)

God bless and be well!

T'Voh Ha
4 years ago
Bonnie, Aloha From Professor T'Voh Ha in Hawaii!

I joined this website primarily just TO THANK YOU! You are a Godsend and a genuine confirmation to prayers! You have offered instructions and ideas that easily will save me many tens of thousands of dollars! You see, I have been brainstorming and designing a different application for what you did with the hoop house metal panel covering, however while at the beach today I got a notion that what I was designing left out the variable of IF THOSE PANELS COULD BEND and BE SCREWED into metal circular posts after bending and hold the shape!

Well you have confirmed that they will, and offered photographic proof! This erased any doubt in "the Professors" mind! Me heart leaps with joy and a calm confidence has now erased any question on the matter from my mind.

So, As we say in Hawaii...Mahalo! (means thank you!)

I do have a couple of queries.

Are the panels used in hop house photo 1, like this one?

Did you use the metal to metal color coordinated screws with the integrated rubber sealing washer?

Did you pre-drill anything or can you just screw right through an undrilled panel and into the support pipe?

What do you mean about "short end of panels?"

Oh yes! Like I said I joined just to say a sincere MAhalo, But AFTER UNDERSTANDING what this website is all about, I Am so happy I have found it. I have a 4.0 GPA in Sustainability and Holistic Health, and was raised on a Mini Farm, built my own ponds, backyard putt putt golf course, invented a way to grow organic foods using 90% less water and soil, and NO WEEDING or hydroponics required!

I have even spent some happy years living in rural Ohio, Garfiled, Twinsburg, Akron, Canton, etc. So I KNOW how dynamic the weather can be! So the fact that your steel panel hoop houses endure that is a wonderful testimony!

I look forward to YEARS of caring, sharing, and learning with everyone here!

God bless and be well!


4 years ago