Jennifer Pomy

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since Mar 29, 2021
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Recent posts by Jennifer Pomy

I fully agree with Jim above. That was what I noticed and came to mention. Thanks Jim for saving me some time! Otherwise great site and idea.

K Eilander wrote:

Second, for the kiddie pool, a lot of people are growing their own rice
I guess the project goes all the way back to Bill Mollison who said you can grow enough rice to feed one person in that much space.  I want to try that someday too!

So cool!!! I think that next year I’ll be experimenting with growing rice in the extra kiddy pool I have!! Thanks K!
This year I tried a similar kiddie pool project. I found really big grow bags that fit right inside the pool.(read: I got really lucky) The bag took so much soil to fill that I only ended up doing one bag and not using the other bag that came in the set. I used the setup to grow carrots this year. I think it went well. It definitely was a strange weather year and we had a really dry spring and a too wet summer. Just about opposite of normal. The carrots germinated well and I let them grow close together. I pulled carrots from the bag all summer when needed (baby carrot sized) There was almost no effort on my part and plenty of carrots on demand. Better thinning would have given me more yield. Overall I’d say it was successful. The oversized bag had enough soil out of the pool for the top to dry out some, but the bottom was always wet. Problem now is I can’t move it, so I’m going to have to leave the whole setup and hope the freezes of winter don’t bust the pool. I’m hopeful the soil wicking the water up won’t expand it to breaking point. (Fingers optimistically crossed!) I’m not the greatest at taking pictures so I’ll attach what I have.

I also had a large piece of durable plastic that our shipped mattress came wrapped in. My husband made me a simple frame out of scrap 2x4 pallet pieces. I leveled the ground out, placed the frame down and lined it with the plastic. I then put all of my potato bags in it. This setup worked really well, especially with the dry spring. I’ve been using feed bags for potatoes for a couple of years and them drying out quickly is always an issue. Too much rain was the problem this year so I removed the corner of the plastic so it wouldn’t hold the water in. I will definitely use the system again, very set and forget. I did use some fencing to keep deer and my free ranging chickens out.
I love houseplants!! Usually I love them to death including aloes and air plants.The last 2-3 years though, I have kept more alive than I’ve killed. Yay! Overwatering is a big culprit, but some also die from drying out. I have a hard time with my house fluctuating between being cold then really hot and dry with the wood stove.

Some of the plants that are super resistant to me killing them are:
       -Peace Lily- this plant likes low light and regular water (1x week) and it will flower. If more neglected it will stop flowering. When really thirsty it will droop, but as soon as you water, it will perk right back just fine. Very forgiving and communicative plant.
       -Wondering Jew- this plant is a survivor. It just wants to grow and grow. Also doesn’t care what kind of light it’s in. I think the more you water the more it grows. It will grow even in totality dry soil and will start to look sad, but will bounce right back. Grows super fast and long and roots from any node, so cut the ends 6”, remove lower leaves from cutting and stick in water until rooted. New plants!! Also great way to start your own.
         -Dracaen-(corn plant) another low light powerhouse that I can overwater or underwater and seems just fine. This plant has gotten huge really quickly and doesn’t seem to care about its pot size.

These plants are a bit more finicky about too much water but can survive low light and under watering quite well.

        -Pothos- are low light tolerant and forgiving. They like to suck up air moisture and my mother has one in her bathroom, with a window, that only lives on shower steam. Mine gets the dry wood stove heat and does just fine with occasional water. It will wilt when it needs more water and bounces back nicely.
         - Christmas Cactus- does great with low light and neglect! Will get droopy when dry, doesn’t like a lot of water but I still haven’t killed it yet. Mine put on a beautiful pink show for Thanksgiving.

I have several other plants, not sure how easy they’d be, however they are surviving me so far… I don’t know everyone’s names though.

Some final thoughts are to give each plant a size appropriate dish/bowl/pie plate under its pot and make sure the pot has a way for water to drain out the bottom. I find a lot of my plants like to completely dry out before watering and the soil doesn’t hold onto any of the water when dry, so the dish allows some water to stay and seep back into the pot.

I wanted houseplants so badly but big ones are really expensive. I got a few of the plants that I liked that were babies in little 2”-4” pots. Waaaay cheaper. I took them home and potted them up into way bigger pots and in a year they were the size of the expensive plants, so don’t pay for the big boys, your plants will get big fast if you give them more room.

I was also given a basket (no drainage) crowded with 7-10 plants. I individually potted up each one. I lost a couple but I have a lot of plants from that, if you can find something similar at a good price it might be worth it.

After I got going with a few, I wanted more, so I started looking around and I found on Etsy there are several people who will send you a box with a bunch of different plant cuttings. You have to get them established and pot them up yourself, but very inexpensive way to get several plants. Full disclosure, I didn’t order any…yet.

So the takeaway is plants are resilient and want to grow… even houseplants! Most propagate easily so with a little time, patience, and forgiveness of our own human shortcomings we can soon have many little plant friends. Then we get to share them with others! (Can you smell the side hustle!)

I am very grateful to my houseplants for bringing such joy with something growing inside when outside is wrapped in winter and we long for our gardens.

I wish you good health with your plant friends Raven!

Like others have mentioned… a roux can give a raw flour taste if the flour isn’t cooked. Melt/heat your fat/oil, then add flour and stir/whisk until the flour browns some. Then add whole milk and stir frequently on medium low heat until thickened. Then I add some cheddar, parmigiana cheese and lots of pepper. Cook your pasta with lots of salt in the water until mostly done.

My latest version and hands down favorite uses steamed and mashed cauliflower added to everything else which makes it creamier and keeps it from drying out without anyone noticing the veggie!!

I sauté an onion before making the roux and cheese sauce. Mix in cauliflower then pasta. Put in baking dish then top with mushroom stuffing crumbs! A happy accident from having leftover stuffed mushroom filling.

Stuffed mushroom filling:
Parmesan cheese
Italian seasoning
Garlic seasoning
Several cloves chopped garlic
Chopped mushroom stems
Olive Oil to get mixture moist for stuffing

Can be used to stuff mushroom caps or top Mac and cheese ( I like to mix some crumb topping into the Mac and cheese also)

Good luck Raven!
2 years ago
You guys are way faster than me:)
2 years ago
Wow, less than $100 to the next stretch goal!! Just one more person at $100 level…fingers crossed!!!
2 years ago

Beau Davidson wrote:Today is now the 3rd best day of this campaign, grossing $12,697.

Day 1 grossed $25,137.

Day 2 grossed $15,649.

Can we bump off Day 2 before time runs out?

I believe you will!!!
2 years ago
We passed $135,000!!! (I guess Beau needs to sleep sometimes, Jeff beat me to it though)

I’d like to see more then one stretch goal at a time. It might help people get on board. I upped my pledge as soon as I saw Mudd’s heating a greenhouse webinar. Just my $0.02.

Good luck permies!!!

2 years ago
I make bone broth almost weekly in the instant pot. I love the broth in the instant pot and put mine on for 4 hours. When I started making bone broth I was a purist and only added bones, carrots, celery, onions and garlic. Then I started adding more veggie scraps from the garden.

After a while I didn’t like the taste of the broth, it was bitter. I researched and found that too many brassicas (kale, collards, cabbage…) will make the broth bitter.

Since then I keep brassica stems out of my scraps bag and I’m back to great broth again!!

I absolutely love broth with several feet in it. Makes it extra delicious. I also add a couple egg shells for calcium(as seen on Julia Child)

Also the apple cider vinegar is to help pull the good stuff out of the bones and salt should be added after it’s done because salt hinders that process. Or so I’ve been told.
3 years ago