Susan Buys

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since May 16, 2021
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Recent posts by Susan Buys

Hi Courtney,  I am in Brighton MI, have a tiny home on wheels, and am checking to see if you are still looking for a homestead / farm partner? If so , what would you like to create? I have a lot of organic gardening experience. I am starting on a solar dehydrator.
2 years ago
I have and am currently living in a recently acquired tiny home on wheels in MI on my daughter and son in laws property. Am interested in talking to you. I too am interested in escaping medical tyranny,am unvaxed, am experienced organic gardner have raised chickens, am kagyu Buddhist ,shiatsu trained by Ohashi, and am very interested in  a like minded community. What part of TX?  What are your thoughts
on  low rise above ground septic?
3 years ago