Perhaps y'all can help diagnose the problem. I have a hen who has lost all her feathers near her vent and has very red skin in that spot. This has gone on for four or five months now. We originally thought it might be a rough rooster problem, though none of our other hens had bare butts, just bare backs. Rooster is stew now, we gave it a month or so the see if feather growth would happen, but nope. She's got pasty butt like a tiny chick, she's skinny as a pole, but she's not being particularly bullied, she's still pooping and laying normally, and she's alert and spry. Her red butt makes me want to cry, though. I recently gave her an Epsom salt bath and a few days inside with extra food, Apple cider vinegar, and warmth to see if we could improve anything, but it doesn't seem to have done much but make her antsy. None of the other chickens have the same problem, so it's not contagious, or it's a very slow burn if it is.
For context, we live in a northern climate that was unseasonably warm until two weeks ago. The problem started over the summer, and we only just started getting below-freezing temps. Traditional coop with large run for twelve birds due to dumb city rules. Store bought feed supplemented with table scraps, garden clippings, and the occasional rogue free range day.
Thank you!