I'm considering building an earthbag house on my land in AZ and filling the bags with scoria/cinders since I'm in a volcanic area with a mine a few miles away.
I came across this page (
https://www.mychemicalfreehouse.net/2019/11/non-toxic-natural-alternative-wa.html) the other day which got me thinking. In the green box halfway down the page and in the comments, she claims that cinders and other volcanic materials other than pumice are toxic due to heavy metals they contain.
I've googled a bunch and found very little to corroborate this. A study from Mount Etna in Italy found higher cases of thyroid cancer in the area but I'm guessing that's more to do with the ash and gases from actual eruptions since it's still active (the full text was paywalled so only read the abstract).
The ground on my property is in large part cinders so I'm screwed anyway lol but I might reconsider surrounding myself with more of the stuff if there was any truth to it.
Anyone have any input?