Ac Baker

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since Aug 16, 2021
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Recent posts by Ac Baker

Nancy Reading wrote:

Ac Baker wrote:We who've been watching this, are now very excited to see if you might do Spring, Summer & Autumn versions of this walk-through!

I could do that; spring and summer are always fun. Autumn is a bit more tricky to identify as late summer slips into winter sometimes..

Ah, true: mid-September, once the midges go down, I was thinking!

Nancy Reading wrote:

Ac Baker wrote:I was wondering, would it be helpful to have a go a documenting some more of all this knowledge in your head about just what all these wonderful plants & guilds are planned to do, and doing in practice?

I'm happy to do that. Do you think video will work better than written posts? Any special requests? I suspect most areas will be more interesting when things are growing!
I'll maybe have a look at the coppice trees though, once I've finished cutting and started tidying up a bit. At the moment it is a bit like a disaster area in places with fallen trees!

I was thinking I might be able to help with transcribing, if you narrate a video?
2 weeks ago

R Scott wrote:I would not last long on that ration!

The key thing is, this isn't all your food, although as N says, other foods were in short supply.  Hence, being able to grow your own ('dig for victory'), and we have to admin 'the illicit trade' was so important to make up your calories & other nutrients.
2 weeks ago

Nancy Reading wrote:Nancycam....

A ten minute walk down the tree field in January - just an overview. Not great quality I'm afraid. I think I'll have another go at reinstating the sound on my cameraphone. This was with the proper camera and there is rather a lot of camera shake.

We who've been watching this, are now very excited to see if you might do Spring, Summer & Autumn versions of this walk-through!

I was wondering, would it be helpful to have a go a documenting some more of all this knowledge in your head about just what all these wonderful plants & guilds are planned to do, and doing in practice?
2 weeks ago
Speaking as such a friend, these all sound yummy! Thank you!
3 weeks ago
These look like pretty thorough instructions about how to make a brown crushed pourable sugar from sugar beets at home:
3 weeks ago
Ah! Chapter 5 (V) of this book scanned here, Simple Substances p180

Skirret sugar From the root 1 lb yields 6 drachms
3 weeks ago
I just read this from Wikipedia via the Hodmedod: bread before agriculture!

"In 2018, researchers discovered charred breadcrumbs at a Natufian site called Shubayqa 1 in Jordan's Harrat ash Shaam, the “Black Desert”, dating back to 12,400 BC - around 4,000 years before agriculture began in the region.

"Analysis revealed that the breadcrumbs were likely from flatbreads made with wild barley, einkorn wheat (Triticum boeoticum), oats, and tubers from Bolboschoenus glaucus, a type of rush plant."

Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan
Arranz-Otaegui et al. 2018
4 weeks ago

Nancy Reading wrote:

Ac Baker wrote:Now I want to try making a yeast-raised bread with skirrit pulp, like porridge bread!!

Do you want me to send some pulp down to you? I have quite a bit left still

I'm almost tempted to say yes now, although it seems a bit impractical, given the less enthusiastic response of your taste tester: I suspect I'll be much keener than him! What do you think (knowing I love roast parsnips!)?
1 month ago
Now I want to try making a yeast-raised bread with skirrit pulp, like porridge bread!!
1 month ago
Wonderful!  How is the cake?!?!
1 month ago