.Tyler Ludens wrote:
Eric Thomas wrote:I think it was Stephen Gaskin that said something to the effect that 'you'll know when things are really bad. There will be a guy at the end of your driveway wanting to trade a BMW with an empty tank for something to eat.'
This seems to assume the observer has either divorced himself from the economy somehow, in other words has no bills to pay, or is wealthier than the guy with the BMW. It seems to me more realistic to not expect the guy with the BMW, because he would have traded it long ago for a beater or some food. Something I've noticed in the doomer world is that hard times always come to the other guy (in this case the guy with the BMW) before they come to the doomer, but I have not seen doomers discuss how they have divorced themselves from the economy or otherwise prepared for their own loss of income. I've even seen doomers advocate running up massive debt buying land and preps because when the economy collapses you won't have to pay your bills! I hate to think of the lives ruined by this strategy.
My own household is dealing with "economic collapse" because due to changes in the industry, my business has mostly ceased to make money. I think it earned about $600 last month. So we have suddenly plummeted below the poverty line. But we own our house and land and have relatively few bills. We're mostly eating from the garden and land these days, though we still buy some groceries. But this is the sort of thing doomers didn't want to talk about; doom would always befall someone else, or it would befall everyone instantly all at once. Most of them seemed to have regular jobs, not even self-employed. Yet somehow these jobs would magically last until the last second before TSHTF....