To find goats in your area you may want to look at some of the FB goat groups. Sale animals will be posted as "up for discussion" "for consideration" or some thing like that. You will need to private message the owner/seller for price. This is due to FB rules. Be very careful on FB or CL - no money until you pick up the goat is a good policy if you don't know the person selling. Lots of scammers on both sites. I usually sell on CL, FB makes me crazy very quickly with the weird people responding.
Know before you goat shop what your plans are: Milking/producing dairy goats; pets; breeding. Different types and financial levels, different husbandry needs. Goats are the highest I have ever seen them in my area but feed is even higher.
Ask at your locally owned co-op or feed store for anyone with goats in your area. A local feed store can be a much better resource for information than TSC.
Check out the website
webpage, it's a good & well moderated group with goat owners from all over. There are some sale goats but some members may recommend established ND herds in your area.
As for sheep & goats together? lots of people do it. Goats are browsers and prefer eating like deer, they are excellent fence cleaners but they don't head down graze until after they've eaten all the bushes, low tree limbs and tall weeds. Sheep are head down grazers. Goats need a lot of copper in their diets, most goat growers supplement copper in the US. Sheep can be poisoned by the copper levels that goats require. They may need separated access to minerals. Some people offer a sheep mineral (which is safe for both) and give the goats a weekly or monthly dose of a paste mineral (I use replamin every other week) or copper boluses (usually 2-3 times a year).
It's considered better to alternate graze sheep and goats, rotation can help with pasture maintenance and pest/worm control.
Good luck growing a herd!