Phillip Fehr

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since Nov 15, 2021
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Recent posts by Phillip Fehr

Hi Leora, I was just curious to whether or not you have been able to meet someone on this particular singles forum? I am also residing in Saskatchewan an hour west of Regina. I have been searching for someone with the same lifestyle as yourself, though being 56, it has not been easy to find someone close to my age, especially on this site. I was wondering if you have had any luck, meeting people from Saskatchewan as well? Are you still enjoying the farm life? Anyways I hope everything is working out well for you and good luck in the future.  
3 years ago
Hello Diane, I just wanted to ask if you reside in Canada or the US?
3 years ago
Hi Shanti, I was wondering if you had found the land you were searching for and if your little community idea had started up yet?
3 years ago