Hey K Eilander,
Open Source Ecology is still around... I apprenticed
https://www.opensourceecology.org/ose-apprenticeship/ there in 2021 to help prototype the Seed Eco Home.
George Yacus, my experience is not that OSE has 'pivoted' to intentional community: it is still very much mission/engineering focused, maybe even to a fault. I think that from Marcin's perspective the emphasis on self-growth is critical to create a team capable of developing the GVCS. However, I won't deny that I think better organizational structure such as
https://www.liberatingstructures.com/ could encourage more participation or commitment.
The best place to see updates consistently is Marcin's work log.
The GVCS is very ambitious, and I don't think there is sufficient momentum to reach it within the planned project timeline at the current rate.
I am doing what I can to continue this work, to develop a flourishing ecology of open source hardware. However, it's difficult to make progress without collaborating in-person with others dedicated to this effort. I can primarily only contribute virtually right now.
I think that some of the projects at Wheaton labs represent unfulfilled components of the GVCS, like the Willow Feeder for circular economy of 'humanure'... the RMH for heating... I prefer lumber to roundwood, but I appreciate the strategy of building with minimally processed natural materials to reduce cost/effort/energy use.
Overall, perhaps the greatest bottleneck component that is not prototyped is the induction furnace, even something like developing expertise with a small charcoal foundry could lead to forwarding the GVCS.
You can read more about my experience with OSE here