Pollyanna Redfield

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since Jan 26, 2022
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Living the dream. Greening the Prairie. Putting permaculture on the map.
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Recent posts by Pollyanna Redfield

I have a horse like this too.  He gets way too fat on the all you can eat pasture.  

If we go out riding every few days he can have the all you can eat buffet.  If I cannot ride him enough I put him out only in the early morning when there is less sugar in the grass.
Here's another place you can go for a Butterfly Day.  

Lolo Hot Springs!


Pretty close to Missoula.
They have huge pools of their mineral rich water to soak in.

They even have horse trail rides up in the mountains!

Looks like a great spot for a mini vacation.
3 years ago
Quinns Hot Springs is a little North of Missoula.  
It looks like a nice place to rest and soak up the love of the mountains.


3 years ago

Jake T Robinson wrote:

Some questions about Dexters...
Can you select for red or lighter color (don't really want black cows)

Yes my friend has a silver dexter bull.  He is very beautiful.  
They come in a lovely red brown color too.

Jake T Robinson wrote:
Do they slick up (better for fly control)

When they are mineralized and healthy they are slick and shiny.
3 years ago