vv anderson

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since Feb 03, 2022
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Recent posts by vv anderson

did you ever figure out what this was?  my goji berry was very happy in its container, then i planted it because it started losing all of its leaves and getting rusty brown spots. there was a bad ant colony in the container so maybe they were farming aphids? if so, they are too small to see! i hope the plant comes back next year... i'll have to add some ash to its soil as ours is quite acidic.
5 months ago
I will try to come back with some updates in a few weeks!!!
9 months ago
it’s my first time - i just broke up one of those counter top kits and mixed it into wet pasteurized hardwood pellets. it’s been inoculating for several weeks now, this just appeared in the last week. I’m wondering if it’s not trying to fruit, as this is what it looked like a week or so ago.
9 months ago
hey all,

first time inoculating a tub of wood pellets. i simmered them in a stock pot at recommended temps but it kinda seems like there is mycogone happening. i had a few fungus gnats at the beginning when the mycelium just started appearing but i vacuum them out every few days and they seem to be almost gone.

the container seems to be pretty wet, maybe it’s got too much moisture. i have it on a high shelf with the lid cracked open now hoping that some of the moisture will evaporate off.

will the oyster mycelium be able to outcompete this?
9 months ago
So wild, I literally came to permies to make a post about doing poplar log hugelbeds in the wet part of my yard because we had some come down in a hurricane and part of my garden is a sop-fest after it rains.

Your post was the top post on the forums! It was such a crazy coincidence.

How long should I let these logs dry before using them? It’s balsam poplar logs that are cut to firewood lengths by the arborist who cleaned up our hurricane mess. I don’t foresee us burning them since it’s not great firewood but I do want some hugelbeds. Could I use them this year?? There are already root suckers through my entire garden and i have to pry them up with a pick axe. Truly a weed of a tree… I never thought I could dislike a tree 😂
1 year ago

Steve Zoma wrote:

I only have a 1 cubic yard trailer, but when I had to have 350 cubic yards from a half mile away, a guy was going to charge me $7000 to move my own gravel. Instead I moved 1 cubic yard, 10 times a day, and in 35 days moved those 350 cubic yards.

i love that!! i was inspired a lot by this dude who has a youtube channel called edible acres. he's been directing and collecting water on his property for like 11 years and it seems like a similar landscape/climate to mine (he's in new york and i'm in nova scotia). all hand-dug stuff slowly over time and responding to how water naturally moves and making adjustments. it looks a bit messier than a professional pond but it's pragmatic and i'm not going all-out over many acres like he did, just one small area, like 1/4 acre.

i researched our soil type and (perched) water table and stuff all winter. i checked the holes this week and the water is really low in them, which makes sense because all the snow is gone so obviously, a lot of the water in the first foot of soil is seepage and not spring, which is obvious to me. this gives me an opportunity to dig down deeper and see how far the table is. it's perfect because there is a spot not too far from the pond that really needs to be levelled out so i can grow stuff in it. nice to do things slowly and by hand so that if you end up wanting to abandon it, you didn't go too big too quickly and spend a bunch of money on it!!

and the E X C E R C I S E!!! free gym membership right in my backyard lol
1 year ago
i've made posts about making a natural pond in the wet spot of my yard before!

finally managed to make a little video chatting about it. so far the (very small and shallow) test holes are full in fall and spring. we will see how they fare in summer

1 year ago
I had recurrent impetigo several years ago and I treated it with a few drops of geranium oil mixed into coconut oil before bed every night. Finally quashed it. The fucidin ointment stopped working, antibiotics did nothing to keep it from coming back. It was brutal.

My skin wasn't deeply broken though, this was purely topical, although it was on my face between my nose and mouth so a very sensitive area. I can't recommend the geranium/coconut oil inside deep wounds but topically, it works amazing. I also recommend not using multiple things simultaneously as you don't know how they will interact and affect the skin barrier's capacity to heal. I made my impetigo worse using too many things at once and irritating the skin. Choose one topical thing and one internal thing and stick to that. I messed my face up so badly using tea tree and lavender and all these random things people suggested and it only healed once I stuck to the geranium and coconut oil.
1 year ago