Rebecca Rosedale

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since Feb 08, 2022
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Hi, my name's Rebecca. I'm 22 years old and I live in the backwoods of Finland with some of my family.
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Recent posts by Rebecca Rosedale

So I originally was doing this for the "alter the waist on skirt or pants to fit" BB, but then realised this bb was more suitable. I took the old elastic out, cut it shorter and sewed the ends back together, but then I decided it wasn't in good condition so I put a new elastic in instead. I bought this skirt from a thrift store, planning on modifying it so it would fit. It's great to be able to alter garments, you have a wider range of what you can get from thrift stores.
2 years ago
I used a vinegar-water-lemon juice solution to clean our fridge. There were a few bottles and jars that had been standing there for much too long, nobody using them or even knowing what they contained, so we pitched them and washed the containers. I clean the fridge out every 6-8 months, but on the spot cleaning after spill ups still needs to be developed.
2 years ago
Sewed a button back onto a dress shirt before it got lost.
2 years ago
Crotcheted a dishcloth. I used 100% cotton yarn I found at the thrift store, and my 4.5mm crotchet hook was incidentally the same colour! It measures a little over 10 inches.
2 years ago
I got 10 BBs!

1. Make a cup of tea                                  
2. Quick darning                                         
3. Shovel snow from a walk                     
4. Clean Interior of a Freezer                   
5. Make a General Purpose Natural Cleaner
6. Wipe down 3 Windows                         
7. Manually clean an oven                        
8. Bake a pizza                                            
9. Make two loaves of bread                     
10. Cook Grain on a Stove Top                  
2 years ago
I cooked a kilogram of rice with dinner. Jasmine rice and water.
I've been waiting for summer to start foraging for tea leaves, which I'm really excited for, but I realised that I could already forage for evergeen needles for tea in the winter. So I went out to get some pine needles, which we have everywhere around here.
2 years ago
I made two loaves of bread from a bread roll recipe I'm very familiar with. I'm still getting the hang of making bread and I hope to one day start making sourdough bread.

Bread rolls recipe:
3 cups of warm water (42-45°C)
2 tbsp active dry yeast
4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp vegetable oil, but I used melted butter this time, to try it out
2 tsp salt
8 cups bread flour, I used some oat bran too

First I let the yeast bloom with some of the sugar and prepped the rest of the ingredients.
Wiped down 3 windows that had a little bit of condensation.
2 years ago
Hi! So I actually emptied, organised the contents of, defrosted and cleaned out three chest freezers not one. But I didn’t take that many action pictures, so I’ll only put the pictures for the first one. I used a half vinegar, half water and lemon juice cleaner I had just made to clean the freezer; and elbow grease, a spatula and a blow dryer to defrost two of them, (just elbow grease and various tools for the third one). I was able to organise the contents to fit in just two of the freezers, so one will be unplugged and stored away in our storage barn.

Most of the waste went into the compost, some to the chickens, the uncleaned berries went into the bird feeder and broken plastic went into the trash.


2 years ago