Femke Manns

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since Mar 25, 2022
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I am fairly new  un permaculture. I have been changing our garden into a food forrest, which is not that easy because it is a hill side garden.
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Eifel in Germany
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Recent posts by Femke Manns

Joylynn Hardesty wrote:The last one is my favorite.

I agree on that. I live in Germany and I have not seen black and white editions of books over here. I think it is a clever idee. It is nice to have pictures however the essence of such a book are the recipes. Personally I love to read cookbooks, to get inspiration.
1 year ago
I live in germany and josta is very common around hwre.. I have had one in my garden (in clay)  for the past 20 years.
2 years ago
Could it be a josta it is a cross between gooseberry and black currant
2 years ago