Nathan Taylor

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Recent posts by Nathan Taylor

Wow your atractive and you have awesome goals. I like you 😊 So cute 😍✌
Hey Katie awesome post.
My name is David I am 44 married I have two sons, 7 and 3. I'm honest ,funny ,compassionate and loyal . And I love gardening and Landscaping.
I am looking for a good woman, like you ,to join my family. Polygyny existed in biblical times and I feel called to live a life like Jacob .I love God and my attempt to live like the Patriarchs is not accepted very often by the Christian Community .   I am a Christian and love Jesus follow him and believe in the Bible. I am Conservative but really not into politics at all . No vaccinations for me or my family😳 . we homeschool our kids and we are becoming homesteaders in a very quiet community in North Georgia. We're here for now but Maybe relocating out west. We are also not big on holidays but we celebrate some of the biblical holidays . I really like everything you said. And the way you described yourself is really good . Have you ever considered joining another Christian family ? I know it is an unusual proposition but I'm hopeful to find a friend/ girlfriend /Surrogate someday . I'm glad that a woman like you is out there it gives me hope. You remind me of Proverbs 31 .  I had to say hello because you're so cute and good. Just let me know if you want to chat with a private message. πŸŒΉπŸ˜½πŸ’—
Hi I'm David I'm seeking a female to join my family I'm 44 years old married with two young homeschooled children . My style consists of a backwards hat normally a red beard  lately with a disconnected mustache. Tattooed
I wear Japanese horror t-shirts and artfully torn blue jeans and skate shoes most days .  Biker pants I guess.
I wear shorts also but I really don't like to and I like to wear black socks lol . I'm funny quick-witted I like to draw I'm an empath.
- Skater, alternative farmer ,artist habitat creator thats SAFAHC FOR SHORT .😊
I live in the scenic North Georgia Mountains I own a small fixer upper cabin and I am building a place on the land for growing food and flowers , a place for feeding Birds rabbits and deer  - a place for earthing and grounding for barefoot walking a place for wild hearted people to dance around a fire .
I hope to find my family by placing this ad.
I'm not looking for a specific type of person but I am looking for a compassionate person.
I'm not looking for someone to work for me . You don't have to have experience and you don't have to work on the land if it's not your thing. I just want you to be yourself if you want to sit inside in the AC on the couch playing video games and eating Doritos .☺ its not going to bother me. Looking for an authentic person.
I am a beginner permaculture enthusiast and the gardening and building does not feel like work to me it feels like I'm playing.
Today there will be a small Adventure I'm setting poles for a pole barn . And I'm receiving my channel catfish fingerlings and they will be released into the pond.
I'm looking for a girlfriend that would be friends with my wife .
If this life sounds nice to you and you are interested in getting to know me/us please respond in a purple moosage" becows"😊 of a need for privacy❀

If one my family members that has disowned me but cannot stop spying on me because I want to find a surrogate/girlfriend  .  finds this Accidentally with good intentions and Is reading this post  sneakily . I love all of you guys just get over it let's still be family.  But go ahead and get a refill on your popcorn  πŸΏπŸ˜†

April May wrote:

Nathan Taylor wrote:Hi April, cute red dress I like your  photos .. becows 😊 of your great smile . Cool farm pics. Greetings from North Georgia. I am working on a new chicken tractor today woohoo its a first for me . Have an awesome day April may.  πŸ°πŸ°πŸ±βœŒ

Thanks! I'd love to see your completed tractor. Cool beard.

@April thanks for the compliment.
I will  send you some pictures when I finish this little chicken tractor.
Hi April, cute red dress I like your  photos .. becows 😊 of your great smile . Cool farm pics. Greetings from North Georgia. I am working on a new chicken tractor today woohoo its a first for me . Have an awesome day April may.  πŸ°πŸ°πŸ±βœŒ

Nicole Blank wrote:Pete - "Is there good and evil?" I would say yes, just as you have day and night, truth and lies and so on, you cannot have one without the other you must have both.

"How to quantify their value?" You'll need a's your heart!πŸ’œ Where your treasure lies there your heart will be also, what do you value more? Truth or lies, darkness or light, good or evil?

Hey Nicole that was an awesome answer .

I appreciate the truth.
I've had that discussion with so many people and a lot of them do not see it so plainly . Actually most of them would try to convince me otherwise that there is no such thing as evil or good.  Reading your words is validating to me .I agree with you .  That discussion some times leads into another discussion for me what kind of fruit a person has . As a way of identifying the good and the evil inside of people sometimes this can be too much for folks to listen to.  I mostly get blank stairs from people .
In my case often  they will start talking about how some people just go crazy and do bad things .  Their perspective is it has something to do with a person being mentally unstable instead of a type of applied evil.
And I think that's okay it bugs me a little bit but that's just how they see it .  
Curious to know how you would continue that discussion with a person who had a different perspective Nicole.

Community how  can I quote someone and then also reply underneath the quote box I think it looks cooler when you do it right lol .

Hey Leia my name is Nathan sorry to hear about your child being injured by a vaccine. I have two young sons and I can't imagine something like that happening to one of them.  I do not know the extent of the injury but have found going gluten-free and non-processed . Eating a lot of fish can be helpful for children. Or i should say it helps with one of my sons he was showing signs of autism and had trouble socially and trouble speaking. With the right diet he is a completely different person and now its just sort of a hyperactivity thing he still struggles with dyslexia. But he's doing so good in school. We Home school our children . he stays on a Mediterranean diet it's also a blood type diet . It creates the best conditions for the body to heal. Hope that doesn't come out sounding insensitive I know that diet surely cannot repair everything. Let's chat more about healing with food if you are interested. I am building a off-grid place from raw land it is quite a process. I also own a small cabin so things are pretty normal life in the cabin. It's mostly off grid but we still have electricity. We are in the North Georgia Mountains . You have beautiful green eyes Leia and your curls are awesome. I was just watching Big Trouble in Little China last night you have those creamy Jade eyes . 😊
1 year ago
Okay I'm back with less coffee and hopefully more humble opinion . πŸ˜Όβ˜•
I have to say this is so good and fun to read . There's so much on this thread .good information and stories .
I recently realized part of my own problem.  I've been trying to take shortcuts myself with online dating . well my Approach has been lame and not really fun for anyone not even for me .
Well maybe it's been fun for the scammers who keep trying to get my money πŸ˜† im not going to fall for it Portuguese Brazilian chick with you're cute handmade pink dress on the Giant farm that you've inherited from your grandparents no we're not going to send you money so that you can meet us lol. Even if you pronounce the word  because" becows" 😊Cute but not fun.
I Had to take a good long look at myself in the mirror and really consider what I had to offer a woman.
And what I came up with was  not things that modern women are interested in. Well maybe some stuff haha.
What gives why are people like this .
It'll sure do a number on your self-esteem and honestly it took me a good while to get my confidence back .
I was going about things wrong.
I have a pretty good idea as to why I couldn't figure this out I've been married to the same woman for 23 years . She's cool she accepts my polygeny and we don't give up.  
I've not been on the dating scene and things change.
But  I think that it was me that changed more  than the dating scene 😬.
Dang it sucks to realize that I've been really the source of the problem. Side note but still relevant .Also the problem is that women like to flirt with people they're not even really interested in . But I get it it's a self-esteem booster for you. And for most just a terrible habit.  ladies just stop doing that it's really fun😊 but it is also confusing for us guys. I know most of you don't see  any harm in it and figure it's just smiling. But you should consider what the men think. Guarantee they don't see it the same way and most men will think that you have feelings for them. And they're going to possibly pursue because they think you're interested . Well duh.
I didn't realize that I lacked patience to get to know someone . I thought I had a genuine interest too meet someone. But my actions told a different story.
I would rather tell a potential or someone that I had some interest in everything about myself and then they could decide if they felt compatible and that's really not a lot of fun.
Also I would want to know everything about them and I had a list in my mind of things that were compatible and things that were not compatible. Now I look back on this kind of stuff and think this was just sort of Dumb and not being real. Also for quite some time I wasn't even sure of what kind of person I wanted to be around. I guess I figured I would know it when I found it.
Someone got it right when they said I was a sanguine temperament. I had to look it up dang they nailed it. Well mostly that temperament stuff is sort of weird I don't like being put in a box like that but it was pretty  close. The short side of it is Adventure Seeker easy going fun loyal honest family man . But in these modern times I think most people would accept some type of side chick relationship or an open relationship or a Triad before they would accept polygeny . It's okay I've never made it a big deal to be accepted . I'm not a follower and that makes people mad . I just don't get it why is everyone going in the same direction. I'll never look at Society to figure out how I should behave I've got Instinct for that. I think people are uncomfortable with instinct πŸ˜†.
I believe online dating is not for me. It's just too boring for my personality and it takes way too long to get to know someone . And then you're not really sure if they are real.
My biggest problem was the friend first scenario . I was looking at it more or less like someone friendly that I was physically attracted to . And I admit that was dumb.
Thankfully and I'm excited to say this because it has been a real change and growth in me personally and I wasn't expecting it .
I really am looking forward to finding a true friend and someone to have fun with like stupid fun. Like throw away your clocks fun . Like meet me at the skatepark fun.  
Thank you for reading this. I know it's not really about what's wrong with dating it was more like what's wrong with my dating . πŸ‘―πŸƒβœŒ
Interesting thread not sure if it matters on my land if I take rocks from one location and add them to another as far as erosion goes . I haven't really noticed any erosion from removing rocks unless I was removing rocks from a very steep freshly graded embankment. then yes the Rocks I would pull out would cause some erosion but not in a way that would change the landscape . And not as much as the deers climbing these embankment . And if large Stones were pulled out of wooded areas it did not seem to cause any erosion the holes will just fill in with Leaf litter and sticks after a while if I did not fill them in with dirt . Bears seem to pull the big rocks up looking for bugs and so they continue to move down the hills . I don't see any erosion happening from the Bears moving  the rocks either if anybody was curious. I'm reading these threads about rocks because of a project I'm starting soon . going to be learning how to build with stone so if anyone knows of a great book for learning how to properly build walls for a building I would really appreciate any help or Direction y'all could give me . On my property I found 15 large piles of stones a pile would fill the bed of a truck.  going down a hill in a line. And also about three or four other similar piles that were not included in the line but off to the side. There are similar rocks spread across the whole property and much larger rocks that are terribly difficult to move . these rocks are located in very thick woods with very old trees it's still a mystery what they were for or how they got there . they were gathered I just don't know by whom . Someone told me I need to use a metal detector over these Mounds funny they suspect some hidden treasure or even better bones. I expect nasty Critters that like to live under rocks yay. And to me the rocks so conveniently gathered and placed in piles is the treasure.
1 year ago
Well I think the answer is a complicated one.
And this is an answer coming from a polygamist/ polygyny.  43 married man seeking female. so bear with me my opinion may be different then yours.  And it is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. it is a pickle we are all in together . Yay πŸ€— lets go!

I think there's something wrong with the way we live .
Definitely the way people dredge their social media accounts looking for likes thumbs ups comments from people who agree and also comments from people who disagree. I am guilty of this Behavior of course I have had social media accounts and a YouTube channel  . it is a strange habit that is new . You see people on dates they're not even looking at each other they're just sitting there staring at their phones it is such a weird phenomenon but we have accepted it and think that this behavior is normal . For most I think it's even a strain to keep up with it all .
Something is wrong with the main goals and desires of the average person . I think most are chasing after  lies and a false depiction of normal modern human existence. 😯 It seems obvious that we all suffer from too much screen time . I'm speaking specifically about a form of insanity that has been accepted all around the world as a normal way to live. A form of mania .
Interestingly enough explained in the movie The Hobbit as Dragon sickness. A terrible Fierce need unquenchable desire.
It is materialism that I'm speaking about and a addiction to copying others -Because we are creatures of habit we see and we repeat.  I believe  for quite a while now we have been presented with a form of living that is fake and unreachable by most. this form of living we have witnessed it through TV 'programs' and also by watching other people chase after riches. I believe the way to live has been lost by most to such a strong degree- though  blinded they see truth with disgust.
My opinion is that we collectively have been programmed to consume . 😳
Happy independent/ self-reliant loving families πŸ’πŸ‘ͺconsume less than  Self-seeking miserable broken individuals who can't find contentment , lack self-control , desperately addicted to trending culture and social media -they are lost and shopping makes them feel better. Actually posting about their shopping and what they bought makes them feel better --temporarily. 😢
Slowly most have been changed from independent free thinkers who based their logic in fact and reason . To a mob of thoughtless zombies πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€chanting the Mantra of their Heroes- ever consuming , ever wanting , ever following the agenda of the advertiser.
most have been made to believe that items which they needed so desperately a month ago are now disposable . And so the circle is complete .the program works flawlessly from desire to purchase- to unnecessarily tossing the item out to the trash or possibly hoarding it in a basement or in a two-car garage that does not have room for any cars .

And if you've made it this far πŸ‘―πŸ‘― finally the reason why dating is so messed up is cuz no one has any time to get to know one another , thoughtfully speak to one another regularly. Living together is not the 2 +whatever hours of watching TV together before you go to bed. It takes quite a bit more effort to have a happy and exciting relationship.  
I said all of the above to describe what we're selfish about. and that wraps it up- people are too selfish but it's okay because  their TV shows satisfies their thirst for adventure and they're longing for life and romance . 😊
This sounds very outside looking in but in actuality consumerism is a tough one to overcome for me . Nasty habit can't wait to be rid of it for good .
But if I could make a point -the normal depiction of life : get educated, get a mortgage, work for 30 years, retire, then have some fun -it really makes no sense and it's unachievable and it leaves the two individuals who have married each other or dating each other with very little options for a successful relationship . Because most of their time is spent with other people, and also their own Hobbies and responsibilities... where is the time for real togetherness?

Simpleness satisfies- for the main reason of time acquired by letting go of useless busyness and obsessive wanting. If you've ever heard anyone say You must make time - they were right.  

(Life is easy why do we make it so hard.) Most are chasing after the wind. And instead should be chasing rabbits out of the garden  , Or dare I say it -holding hands or sowing seeds with someone they love.
It is one's own decisions that frees them or keeps them in Chains.    I Choose a simple path - its more fun lol πŸŽ™πŸ‡πŸ˜πŸ°