Can't please everyone ....
Had an interesting conversation with someone who believes this house is poorly designed, and leaking heat - because there are ice dams on each front corner and at the sides of the house. ( pictured )... a sure sign that a " normal" house is leaking heat / poorly insulated.
Until i explained, that 2 months ago we had a 6 inch snowfall, followed by a warm sunny day - which caused the snow on the roof to melt and soak into the warm topsoil.
Then, the following night the temperature dropped below freezing again.
Here is the interesting part...
Heat / cold travels through a mass at about an inch per hour. So the temperature dropped to -5 overnight - WHILE THE DIRT WAS STILL WARM AND DRAINING - once the cold penetrated all the way through the 8 inch thick topsoil, ( 6 - 8 hours later ) it slowly stopped draining, and everything froze solid. Hence the ice dams. ( Drawing )
2 months ago i snapped the ice off on the front corner, and it has been like that ever since.
I am keeping 1,500 sqft at around 7.2 C. Or ( 45 F ) with a dehumidifier and 2 ceiling fans , overnight temps -8 to - 10 C. ( 13 - 16 F )
Ya, this is not a very efficient house .... 😂😂
On the plus side, once the house is backfilled and buried too the same 8 inch minimum depth all around, the water will be able to drain down the wall, and away, with plenty of time before freezing.
Gotta love physics.