Nahara Radu

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since May 05, 2022
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Recent posts by Nahara Radu


I want to build a wofati/earth bermed/earth sheltered building.
I have access to some dead standing oak trees.

My question is, are dead standing oak trees structurally sound enough to withstand 3 feet of earth on top of the building?
This week's update contains:
- added more earth on the top and sides of the build
- dug out some stairs(very hard to dig dried up clay), in the future we are planning for some flat rocks for the steps
- made the inclined mold for the exterior door
Still a lot of work to be done.
The hygrometer points at 16° Celsius (60°fahrenheit) during the day, outside around 25, with the north side of the root cellar opened as can be seen in the photos.
The humidity is around 60% (59-64) which I hope will go down or I m guessing I will need to add a fan for venting. Any ideas on this part?
11 months ago
[quote=Burl Smith]

A bottomless bucket under the drain outlet might be convenient for a solar bilge pump [/quote]

Thank you for your idea but I don't fully understand the principle . Could you make me a sketch? Or doodle? To fully understand,please? Thank you!!
11 months ago
Quick update: started to cover it with the excavated earth.
1 year ago
Hello there, some more updates:
1 year ago
Hello again!

I have new updates on the root cellar project.

- I have completed the frame of the build
- built the retaining walls (3-4cm thick fir wood)
- added a standard membrane for water insulation
- put in place a 11cm diameter vent from the bottom to the top of the root cellar (the orange one in the pictures)
- added gravel to the sides to help with the drainage, among other functions

Plase see the pictures attached and give me some feedback. How can I improve?

I will continue by building the roof out of round timber fir (~10-13cm diameter) over it the same membrane and all the dugout earth.
Also I will add another vent on the top on the other side.
1 year ago
Started to frame the walls, this is what I have done so far. The posts are black locust and the beams are oak.
1 year ago
Hello, I m trying to keep a project -journal: Not much progress happened because of the lack of time, I only finished digging the drainage trench, 12 m long and with relative depth because of the slope. It leads to an old dried up well.
1 year ago

Sebastian Köln wrote:If you can cut it with a spade, the clay is probably too wet.
But there should be a good chance of drying it out over time with sufficient ventilation. If it does not get new water.

I am worried about water getting in through the top soil and then running down the walls. So I would remove the soil and ensure all water drains away from it.

Ventilation as in passive ventilation or with a fan?
I was planning in adding gravel between the walls and the earth, și all that water that seeps through should go down the dravel into de drainage pipe... hopefully
1 year ago

thomas rubino wrote:Hi Nahara;
So for those of us in America, your excavation is apx. 9' x13' x 5' deep.
I like using black locust as posts and beams, but I have concerns with pine as roofing unless it is thick and straight-grained.
I would be very sure of proper drainage.
Are you building a north-facing entryway ( mud room)  with double walls and double doors?
Ventilation is a must or you will have mold issues.
Were you planning on covering your wood roof with anything before backfilling?

Have you considered a double-wall root cellar? A building inside your building with insulation between?
This would make for a very long-lived cool room.

Pictures please as you progress.

Hello  Thomas,

Thanks for your comment.
The pine is round timber ,dry and peeled , diameter ranging around 4-6 inches.
I am building behind a building on the north side and I am considering installing 2 insulated doors.
The wooden roof I was planning to cover with a second hand truck canvas for waterproofing and afterwards to backfill.

I do not know what a double-wall root cellar is? I can't imagine.

I only have pictures with the dig(I have dug just a little deeper than the picture shows):
1 year ago