Miles Clapham

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since May 17, 2022
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Hi you should look at Brad Lancaster's book on Rainwater Harvesting. Looks like you have some ferocious flow when the rain hits. Lots of check dams and plants will follow. Maybe a beaver!!
That thread was 2014 and seems to have dried up. I think a compositing toilet is the best option, with or without worms. With at least a year per heap. I saw one YouTube video where the guy had three heaps, so leaving the humanure for 2 years before use

But my question is about septic tanks given some people don't want the work of composting loos. Clearly oxigenating tanks are best, but there seem to be different designs. For example three chamber, with only the middle chamber oxigenated, or a single chamber with wheels that mash up the waste to speed up digestion as well as pumping air into it.

Does anyone have information on this?
2 years ago