Matthew Corson-Finnerty

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since Jun 05, 2022
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Recent posts by Matthew Corson-Finnerty

Hi folks,

I'm building a somewhat typical stick framed tiny house, I want to try doing an earthen plaster on the interior face of the supporting walls- how will this effect what I sheathe those walls with externally?

I was planning on doing something typical, like untreated plywood with a tyvek layer, and then some cedar shingles. But does having the earthen plaster change this calculus? Do my walls need to "breathe"?

8 months ago

I built a shell for a tiny house on the back of a truck, drove it across the country and now I'm setting it down on the ground. I've poured concrete piers below the frost line and anchored some metal beams for it to sit on. I have a crane scheduled to move it from truck to beams, with a (very) limited window in which to address the underside of the structure... Hoping to get suggestions on the following:

-What do folks recommend insulating the floor with? It's a 2x4 frame with plywood sub-flooring, completely open on the underside

-What treatments will protect the wood from moisture/rot, pests, animals, etc? Ideally, something that can be applied quickly, also ideally with minimal toxicity.

Any advice is appreciated!


P.S. to see photos from the initial build and trip go to
1 year ago
Here's your pedal-powered wood splitter and electricity generator and water pump and grain mill and apple sauce maker and....
2 years ago