So I know it's silly, if not downright foolish... but I've the space and capacity, I have the technology... I decided a few weeks back to sow some of the Physalis sp. namely P. longifolia & P. crassifolia, with P. peruviana as a control of sorts. I know I'll be coddling them all winter with my sunniest window and supplemental grow lights, and I know it'll be a hastle, but god blimey I'm doing it. and I'm glad I did, because amoung my two longifolia seedling I've what appears to be a variegated form. It struggled hard as an infant seedling, and looked for a moment as though it wouldn't recover. I gave it the chance, treated it as best I could and sure enough it managed to form a couple of pale misshapen leaves. Eventually when it's first leaf was large enough, it became plain to see that my little longifolia is a variegated form. I wonder how uncommon this is.
I'll post a couple images when I figure out how.