Paul Haggerty wrote:
Have you thought of crossing I. vomitoria with I. paraguayensis? Seems at least the chromosome numbers are the same.
I had plants of both that flowered at the same time in my garden in Ankara, Turkey. I tried to hand pollinate but only got a few berries with seeds, none of which germinated by the time I had left.
I donated all of that material to a researcher in Turkey, but am starting again with plants in my garden near Seattle.
I have a few varieties of Ilex vomitoria and Ilex paraguariensis. I suspect that a lot of the "yerba mate" floating around the US has significant variation. I hope to get some actual cultivars in the future imported from South America. As far as Ilex vomitoria goes, those can be hard to find, but they have a huge range and amount of variation. At this point, I am just buying whatever I see, growing things out, and hope to do some breeding in the future.