Chris Pate

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since Jul 23, 2022
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Recent posts by Chris Pate

Isn't diatomaceous earth just crushed shells and coral?
1 year ago
Figured I must be missing something. Thanks
1 year ago
I Thought you were counting votes. from those numbers, Solar had 1746 more votes than Flow Forms. Solar-6946 votes/ Flow Forms-5200 votes. (I voted for Dry Stack, Flow forms is my second and Solar is last because there's plenty of info out there I think.)
Also, only one of the totals is possibly accurate, Dry Stack. It has the only total, 500.80, that when divided by it's multiplier, .16, ends in a whole number, 3130. All the other totals when divided by their vote cost end with partial numbers. Like Solar- $972.54 divided by $.14 is 6946.7142857142. Not possible. Odd thing too is that all through this, on the ones I checked, Dry Stack was consistently the only one that could be accurate.
Not trying to cause waves but I can't help it. I'm a mather! (Gives me anxiety when I notice stuff that really don't matter)
1 year ago
I use a lye bath and then a vinegar bath to clean. It would be fun to do electrolysis! This is a great article about different cleaning methods:

This is how and why I, and Americas Test Kitchen, season with flax oil. Solid science. An awesome blog post:

And another interesting post of hers:

A lot of YouTube videos of all the ways to do these things.
1 year ago
A leatherman, a small ax, a wood splitter, a fire starting device, a dutch oven.

On second thought:
    1- Paul
    4-A cat
    5-Benjamin Franklin(somebody's gotta be in charge! *The cat really screwed it last time*)

I was a supervisor at a ski area and someone graffitied a shack wall with "Chris is a tool". I wrote under it "YEP" and signed my name to it. I don't know how a tool, or being a tool, is bad.

2 years ago

Carla Burke wrote:

Chris Pate wrote:I used to work in a clean room. I'd rub coconut oil over my neck and entire head since it has anti microbial qualities. It made my hair(short) and skin great and a Philippine girl I worked with said "Pate you always smell soo goood... like food!
It'll make your skin and hair nice and tropical peoples will instantly love you.

Coconut oil is amazing for skin, in most aspects, but it's also comedogenic, meaning it will often clog pores, so it's wise to try some, and see if it breaks you out. I can use it anywhere except on my face. I don't have a beard (ha!), to oil, but it does mean that if hubby were to use it, he couldn't kiss me. So, it's a good idea to keep your partners in mind too, when choosing a beard oil.

Thanks Carla. I had never heard that, and none of my family has had a problem with it, but good to know!
2 years ago
I used to work in a clean room. I'd rub coconut oil over my neck and entire head since it has anti microbial qualities. It made my hair(short) and skin great and a Philippine girl I worked with said "Pate you always smell soo goood... like food!
It'll make your skin and hair nice and tropical peoples will instantly love you.
2 years ago