Bethany Paschall

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since Aug 22, 2022
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A lover of nature and the beauty of growth. A country gal to the core. I live on a hobby farm and help process most of our meat and a portion of our veggies for the year. I am truly and extrovert and love interacting with others.
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In the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains
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Recent posts by Bethany Paschall

Thank you all! I think we fixed it!
The envelope icon at the top of the page has a "1" on it.  When I click on it, it goes to my mooseages page.  There is a link there that says, " New Purple Mooseages: (1)"  but no new mooseages are on the page. Can you please help?  I'm pretty sure I have an order to ship, but without details, I and my customer are stuck!

It was my pleasure! Thank you for being a joy to do business with!
8 months ago
Thanks Bonnie! I'll have to try that!
9 months ago
I'm stocking up on my invasive mint for tea. This is a chocolate mint variety that has invaded every spare spot of earth it can. I hung them up to air dry and stored them in some mason jars.
9 months ago
Every thing is growing! So it was time for a foraged salad! There was chickweed, lambs quarters, violet leaves, mallow, wild rose flowers, dandelion flowers, and narrow plantain.
9 months ago
Had a clog in our bathroom sink and it was really needing taken care of. With as many people as we have in our house, that bathroom sees a lot of use.
10 months ago
We have babies in the house and fabric diapers. So it's high time for a bidet for cleaning purposes. I was quite pleased at the ease of assembly!  
10 months ago