Tony Harvey

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since Jan 29, 2023
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Hi Sarah, Nice to hear from you. I used to be a para medic in the forces and have been an IT consultant for many years as I am now retired I spend my time cooking , canning, smoking, dehydrating & curing. My only baking skill is I bake a mean loaf of bread.
How much land do you have? So no chickens then.
I couldn't find you on either IG or Reddit I am registered on both of those as TonyH312 if you want to chat!

Have a great weekend.

Hi Kaarina, glad you survived.
We should all remember that we make grand plans which makes God laugh as only He/She knows the true reality of where we are going and what we will be doing in the future.

Stay safe

2 years ago

Tony Harvey wrote:
The monumental changes will be for us ALL not just me after the RV and we are no longer slaves of the CABAL we can all be content and be able to do just what we want / need to do to help others and make this world a better place.

Tony X

2 years ago
Hi JR, great to hear from you thanks for the info. Anyone into aquaponics up there that in my opinion is certainly the way to go.
The monumental changes will be for us ALL not just me after the RV and we are no longer slaves of the CABAL we can all be content and be able to do just what we want / need to do to help others and make this world a better place.

Tony X
2 years ago
Hi JR, what a great post. I shall reply later with some thoughts of my own just waiting to see the dust settle after the forthcoming monumental changes but I shall definitely be looking for a setup like you have up there.
How long is your actual growing season in that valley?

All the best

2 years ago
Updated so no chance of being called a weirdo, stalker etc....LoL
I am a young at heart OAP looking to live off-grid in a community with some similar aged female companions.
I  am hard working and in exchange for board and lodging I will do anything that is required.

I am a good cook, bake bread, preserving foods (canning, dehydrating, curing & smoking). creative DIY’er  good gardener.

Have kept chickens, sheep and horses previously and learnt how to milk a goat whils house-sitting in Ireland. House sat cats & dogs.

I currently live in the UK but looking for a spot anywhere in the world to get back to nature that is coastal or close to a lake or large river.

2 years ago