Here at Snookerfly Farms we are currently raising pigs, rabbits, geese, ducks, laying hens, meat birds, and quail. We also assist a friend of ours who raises Katahdin sheep and a cow on her land, about 15 minutes away. We don't have the grass yet to support those species on our land so we help her by moving them into different paddocks where the grass is ready to forage. We are actively working the pigs, using rotational grazing, to create silvopasture. It will take us some time yet to clear enough trees to get the sunlight needed to support the grass we need to grow. It's part of why we are letting grass, clover, and wildflowers go to seed along the edge of our lawn to help produce pasture without direct inputs. We had quite a bit of land cleared when we first moved in and we have been moving all of our animals rotationally on the deep mulch that was created. This has made my job very easy because the animals turn the mulch and therefor, I have no manure handling except to shovel more mulch into a farrowing pen or what is now my static chicken area (dang chicken ninjas!). We use a Joel Salatin chicken tractor for our meat birds. We also use his rabbit tractor to pasture raise our meat rabbits. We built skiddable pig and bird shelters. We also built the Meat Shaw and Chick Shaw 2.0 from Justin Rhodes. Those don't have skids but very expensive wheels to move them about. We also have several barn cats but our favorite two are brothers, Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.
I am not submitting this yet, but will be compiling my log into a document from my calendar, where I have been keeping everything organized. I fee like I have more pictures of my quail hiding somewhere and need to check my cloud.