Hi everyone,
I am on my second year of gardening and I currently live in a apartment so I can only have pots right now (I'm working on getting some land). Everything was going well until about early June here in Appalachia and then a lot of my plants started turning a bunch of not green colors lol. I suspected fungus so I tried a copper fungicide, it seemed to work but its still there. I also suspect I have over fertilized some of the plants with the used of synthetic fertilizers and so I am switching to completely organic now. I have some pictures of all of them below and I could use some help as I have tried everything and cant seem to have any improvements. I added some pictures of my strawberries, lavender, haskhaps, and my Fig tree. I was successful with some of my other plants but not these, I suspect calcium deficiency for the one strawberry plant.
What should I do to fix some of these problems? What can I do to prevent disease in the future? Any tips?