Epiphany Britton

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since May 31, 2023
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Recent posts by Epiphany Britton

Very interesting posts, and good information.
My nails started splitting several years ago. First the right index finger. There is a split in the nail bed and so the nail never gets beyond. Then recently one thumb nail on one side, then the other, (both thumbs split at the side) and the left index finger took on the same habit as the right.
I agree that there is something internally wrong. I do have all sorts of immune markers - IMO it is the inflammation and havoc caused by tick borne infections that I have had for over 20 years. I am mostly asymptomatic except that I have had abnormal inflammation markers (they thought Lupus) and now have developed rheumatoid arthritis.
My diet is lacking in fruits and vegetables, although I eat well and home cook all my food- just not enough of these good things as I am a city dweller and all the produce where I live tastes awful.(I know, join a CSO ) I do eat a lot of steamed greens such as collards, turnips and the like.
One (very expensive) product I do know to help nail growth is called Creme Abricot by Christian Dior. I am too lazy to apply it nightly but plan to try to remember. Although pricey, it lasts forever as it is a thick cream. If one were to do it correctly, it is to be massaged into the cuticle bed nightly and one might use cotton gloves. In my youth, when such things seemed important I used it with success.
I have upped my Biotin, take several daily supplements and collagen in my one cup of coffee.
Planning a gut reset which will include fermented foods, specific microbes, allicin pills and  juicing beets, cabbage along with a smoothie to which I will add horsetail, gotu kola (thanks to suggestion posted here)  and a vegetables and fruits since I lack those in my diet. I did show my rheumatologist and she just referred me to dermatology. Thanks for all the valuable suggestions.
10 months ago
Long experienced insomniac and herbalist here. Husband also an insomniac. Traditional Allopathic: rule out sleep apnea. They say that the C-pap machine or a dental device actually keeps our hearts healthy as the breathing disturbances during sleep affect circulation and heart health. I have not done the research on this. Magnesium does help, but investigate which form is best for sleep I think Citrate, but would have to check. There are several forms of magnesium. I am about to try L-theanine for relaxation and anxiety. We will see. None of the sleep herbs mentioned have worked for me personally, but I am a rapid metabolizer - who knows. There was a natural product based on Ayurveda that I used called Kavinace. It worked but the company was forced to remove one ingredient - the phenylbut - by the FDA and it ceased to help me but I want to revisit the product anyhow. I ordered phenylbut from Nootropics. It works but I hesitate to use it often as I have not had time to research it thoroughly. Son has tick borne infections which famously cause terrible insomnia as the HPA axis it dysregulated. In Canada where we lived for awhile, they use prescription Tryptophan. It took several weeks to kick in and he had to titrate up to a VERY high dose, like more than 2 grams, but it finally did the trick. They say that Cortisol level maintenance helps- again, I do not understand the mechanisms, but worth consideration. Love the banana peel idea, I think I will try it! No one likes pharma drugs, but this is one instance where I will yield - I have used them when under stress and needing sleep for healing.
10 months ago