It's easy to overlook the somatic elements of disease, particularly autoimmune. I was Dx'd with MS in 2000. I was a 'good' MS patient for about 9 years, depressing my immune system with injections. My health kept going down the crapper. I experienced a spike in symptoms and, thinking this might be the big downhill slide, I spoke with a counselor about developing better coping strategies.
She asked for a list of my symptoms and shared that every-single-one was also a symptom of Lyme disease. She referred me to a Naturopath who was Lyme savvy. I made big changes in my diet eliminating wheat, cow dairy, soy and corn and began to heal my gut and support my immune system. Fifteen years later, I haven't had a single flare-up and boy-howdy, the stressors which used to send me into a physical tailspin have been ever-present.
I'm feeling pretty spiffy when along comes some serious family drama involving wills, estates and the like. I do not even recognize the person my family member has become, nor what she's been willing to do. I've had a number of figurative gut-punches and there are some things I'm having difficulty swallowing, releasing, stomaching. So what happens? My gut starts backing up, significantly. Like 15lbs worth! I looked like I was smuggling a basketball!
None of my usual goto flow methods were working. I was practically doing a colonoscopy prep to no avail. My Dr even ordered a PET scan of my belly looking for tumor(s). What the Radiologist found was 'copious amounts of fecal matter' - how fun that must have been to write in a report! I knew I was fulla $hit!
What worked was looking into why I'd felt gut-punched, what was it that I couldn't 'digest' or stomach, what I had to let go of, and some energy work.
Our bodies, minds and emotions are absolutely connected. While I continue to eat a cleaner diet, make my own personal care and cleaning products, I am now even more wowed by that connection.
Oh, and my cat's new favorite place to lounge is across my belly. The purring vibratory rate is a marvelous healing frequency.
Any system resets in my future will absolutely require a dive into the somatics.