Timothy Norton

master gardener
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since Aug 12, 2023
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Tim is a big dreamer working at a piddler's pace.

On a third of an acre in a village, living alongside his wife and trusty hound, Tim works towards living life within nature instead of at odds with it. Chickens, gardening, mushrooms and much more occupies Tim's mind as new projects appear and old projects complete. Tim is currently working towards renovating his 1850's home while turning lawn into edible space.

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Upstate NY, Zone 5, 43 inch Avg. Rainfall
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Recent posts by Timothy Norton

I have recently started cooking with leeks and they can be full of stuff. My technique right now is to split the leek in half and utilize a colander to let me rinse each layer clean.  
1 hour ago

The ADOR1 Automatic Chicken Coop Door is a complete industrial-grade appliance. It is easily installed on the wall of your chicken coop. It opens at Sunrise and stays open all day. It shuts in the evening when it gets dark. The ADOR1 will automatically open and close the door daily using just an internal 6-volt lantern battery. As of April 9, 2020, we started including a pretested 6-volt lantern battery with this item.

Where to buy?


1 hour ago


It was in a corner of this workshop, a corner that was given to him by his disbelieving father, that Joseph Opinel developed his closing knife. Daniel Opinel believed in the craft of edge-tool making above everything because making tools was serious work. Of course, to keep customers happy, sometimes you could "knock together" a few pocket knives. But was there really a future in manufacturing them? Joseph thought so.

Where to buy?

Amazon (Stainless Steel)
Amazon (Carbon Steel)

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1 hour ago
Here are a couple videos from last year. It captures some of the essence of the event and the area.

4 hours ago
I prefer a thinner crispier dough on the edges of my pizza but I want to be able to fold it a little in hand. A good red sauce is important, if the sauce is tasteless it brings the whole slice down. I've had some white sauce or oil based slices but can't say I would go out of my way to try them again.

From there, the world is your oyster. I really enjoy all sorts of pizzas but I have never been a picky guy. I'm particularly partial to local specialty pizzas.

I grew up with both an Italian-American pizza place as well as a Greek-American pizza place in town. My uncle would bring me out to eat every once in a while when I was around seven or eight and slip me some cash. We bonded over diners and eateries including plenty of pizza spots.

I would like to take a minute and shoutout the Poly Dough thread on Permies. I have read that some folks including Paul have made pizza with it!
4 hours ago
I have continued to test both split pea and whole pea sprouting and with some time I feel more comfortable with providing my observations.

With my process of sprouting the peas in jars and 'rinsing' them daily, the split peas do not last long after the initial sprouting. The whole pea continues to grow into a nice sprout while the split starts molding with roughly a quarter inch to half inch growth.

Could it be the lack of energy stored in a split pea to continue growth with pulling in nutrients from the environment? Possibly.

I have fed the recently sprouted split peas to chickens with success. No complaints! It however doesn't have as much biomass for forage as I would get otherwise with something like a lentil or whole pea.
5 hours ago
Good Afternoon Permies!

I'm shocked that I have not found a picture thread of Permie's best friends!

I will be honored to start.

Ruthie is my five six seven year old Plott Hound. She is a pet, not a livestock guardian dog but I'm doing my best to get her to be a chicken tender. She was adopted from a shelter in New York after being brought up from Tennessee as a puppy from a kill shelter. She is my wife's and I first puppy that we have raised, I had adopted adults prior. She is ferocious through a piece of glass but will fall over scared if you ever got close enough to her.

Please post pictures and a quick bio of your dogs!
5 hours ago
In recent conversation, I have been advised that if I can get my hands on chicken feet that they add a lot of collagen to stock. While I am not going to go out of my way to purchase some, I am planning on keeping an ear out for friends/family who might be processing birds in the future who may not utilize them.

I wonder if pigs trotters might be similar? Just more pork forward?
5 hours ago
A sample of music that has reached public domain in the United States in 2025.

8 hours ago
I have a stump in a unique position. It is between the roadway an the sidewalk of a village.

The tree was taken down due to decay and the crew that did the work left a sizable stump. As a fun alternative to grinding/cutting/burning that would have challenges in the location I have opted to intentionally infect the stump with a variety of fungi.

The plugs have been in for roughly a year by this point and the stump has shown sign of fungal infection. There are a bunch of small dime size fungal bodies down one side of the stump prior to winter setting in. The center continues to rot but it is a SLOW process. It is currently snow covered so it will be some time for an update.
9 hours ago