Burt Crews

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since Sep 16, 2023
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Recent posts by Burt Crews

The biggest road block is my doctor. I love to bake bread and cookies. But, I also love real butter on my warm bread. Along with my homemade jam and preserves. My will power is not great enough not to enjoy my baking.
1 month ago
I have a book, small and covered in vinyl, that I use to ID the trees I do not already know. I can ID the usual, red and white oak because I make acorn flour, pines, sweet gum, American chestnut and most fruit trees. Everything else I must look up. The pictures you show make it hard for a novice to be certain. If you are using it for heat, ID would be important for it's heat generating properties. IDing for growing mushrooms would be important.
2 months ago
We have so many outbuildings on the property, we have names for each building. When I need to send my son to get something, I have to tell him where to go. Yes, we try to put all of one type of implement in each building. TRY.
2 months ago
Remember when you could fit a sheet of plywood in the bed of your standard pickup. We use to sit on the quarter panel, hang out legs into the motor compartment and work on our trucks, or any other vehicle. Since the Japanese and Federal fuel regulation on mileage took over, our American size hands cannot work on the engine without special, expensive tools or an engine hoist. An older truck serves all my needs.
2 months ago
I am a country boy. So, my porch is more for my comfort and my family than a gathering place for neighbors, We should add to this discussion where you live. You city folks without porches should move away from all the people who do not stop regardless of how hard you work on it. Come out of the big cities and into the country were people wave, not just their middle finger, and stop and talk.
2 months ago
As an old country boy, I like a front porch that is wide enough to sit and watch the surrounding countryside. With a roof that extends far enough to sit and watch the rain and storms as they approach. I like to watch the weather; but, I do not want to get wet. A long enough swing to nap in with a pillow and blanket.

2 months ago
Why are most of post from 8 years ago? We grew up washing dishes by hand. Cleaning the kitchen after dinner was family time. Now at 73 years old, with a family of 3, I wash dishes by hand. We do not create enough dirty dishes to fill a dishwasher. I know my dishes are clean. I use human and eco-friendly soap. I feel good about hand washing our dishes.
2 months ago
I use an old chest freezer. Needs some holes drilled but it is easy to secure and, so far, protects the worms from huge temperature swings.
3 months ago