Devin Randall

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since Feb 09, 2024
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Recent posts by Devin Randall

Nice!  Cattails would go nuts around that.
10 months ago
Hey!  Today I learned you can eat fava bean greens.  One more reason to plant them. Thank you!
10 months ago
I love cold raw tofu, just rinsed and with a little chili oil.
10 months ago
That seems like too much roux for that much milk.  I would cut that in half.  You could also mix other cheese in with the american cheese.  The american cheese has sodium citrate in it, and that keeps the other cheese from 'breaking' when you melt it.  
10 months ago

Kat Reyes wrote:Your taco shop hot sauce recipe sounds amazing and so simple to make! It's true, sometimes the best recipes are discovered by experimentation. Have you ever considered trying out different salsa recipes to complement your homemade hot sauce?

Yes, but I usually wing salsa by what I'm having it with.  Or what profile I'm hungry for (Red/Green), or what I have growing that needs eating.  Around here if you plant tomatillos once and let some of the fruit get into your compost, then till said compost into your garden, use it around trees, etc.  you WILL have tomatillos forever after. Ask me how I know!  I love 'em so I let them do their thing and make lots of green sauce, chili verde, etc. in the summer/fall
10 months ago
Oh, if you ever get a chance, try Guatemalan tamales.  They have a softer masa, almost a corn pudding.  The ones I used to get were chicken with an olive for the filling, mildly spicy.  They are steamed in banana leaves instead of corn husks, which gives them a very delicate flavor.  Have them with a blisteringly hot habanero sauce.  They are sooooo good.
10 months ago
Sorry to be late to this party, but I also love a good cheeseburger.  I once followed the Alton Brown burger method, and it was hands down the best burger I have ever stuffed in my face.

I'm the kinda guy that usually loads on all the toppings, so I was shocked at how much I loved this.  First time, I did it without the lamb and it was good too, so don't use it if it's not your jam.
10 months ago
So, I saw something similar for sale somewhere for entirely too much money and not quite as versatile .  So, you use the 'piston' and the base to make the paper pot, then put the ring around it and use the other end to tamp down the soil.  You can also use it without the paper, just cram the soil in the ring and base.  One end of the 'piston' has the bit to make a hole for seeds, the other has a place to crimp the paper pot for strength.  It was also fun figuring out how to make the ring with straight sides that deep.
11 months ago