Albert Flynn

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since Mar 17, 2024
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Ok, great, thanks! I started a contact with both. Let's see!
11 months ago

Abraham Palma wrote:Hi, Lisa.
Welcome to Permies.

I know of two communities like that in Malaga. One is a religious order of kind, the other is mostly buddist (not required) but asks 20,000 € for the right of living in a house.
There must be some community up there in the North. I'll ask my friends if they know something.

This sounds interesting. Is it still going?
11 months ago
We are looking for something like an intentional community/homestead neighbour in Spain, India or Slovenia, where it's possible to rent/buy a house and piece of earth where to practice permaculture. The important things for us would be that the house is built using natural material (for example wood, mud and straw, like earthships) and that the earth we buy or rent, is in good shape and has not been misused through the mean of fertilisers and pesticides.

Would be nice to join a group of people with an active vision.

Do you know any places like that in India, Spain or Slovenia, where they are actively seeking for new people? What would you suggest?
11 months ago