Mari Holzhoft

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since Apr 07, 2024
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I have an annoying but workable system off the house gutters - 600 (+/-) gallons in second-hand poly tanks direct-filled and plumbed together, and another 550ish on an elevated platform up the hill. Currently sump-pumping water from the house-tanks to hill-tanks (when there's enough) to get better head-pressure for the garden (and double the storage). Current use is limited to garden/yard and animals, but I'm hoping to set up a filter and plumb it into the house system at some point. The utility of that project makes it a back-burner - we're in interior Alaska, so rainwater only works from late April through late September.
10 months ago
Did you complete this project? I built a thermosiopon hot tub last year, and am hoping to figure out radiant floor heat for an off-grid residence I’m going to start work on this summer. Seems to be precious little info on feasibility & tech specs for this kind of system. I’d love to hear how this went for you.
10 months ago