Nicho Trees

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since May 24, 2024
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Recent posts by Nicho Trees

Hey everyone!

I'm living in East Ottawa. I'm in a suburb renting the basement from my landlord who gives me free reign on his back and front yard. Currently growing lots of wildflowers, and a mini food forest.
9 months ago
Hey everyone,

I have a bunch of 1-2 year old maple logs, and one fairly new cut yellow birch log. I'm wondering what to do with them as a suburban gardener, I'm in zone 5a in Eastern Ontario.

I was thinking of scattering the maple logs in various piles around my back and front yard to decompose and promote mycelium growth. As for the yellow birch, I was thinking of drilling holes in it for bugs to live in and to decompose for my soil health.

My soil is sandy loam and quite compacted, so I thought getting these logs might help.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions!! Thank you 😊

9 months ago