Tony McLeod

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since Jun 08, 2024
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Hi, my wife and I have been living on 2 beautiful permified acres in South East Queensland for 20 years, slowly but surely substituting mass-produced, industrial stuff with home-grown and hand-made. And having a ball in the process.
One of my main hobbies (obsessions) is coffee growing. I've been growing and roasting my own for over ten years. I started a youtube channel to share how.
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Sunshine Coast Australia
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Recent posts by Tony McLeod

I just made a youtube channel that answers a lot of the questions here. Its basically why I started it- so many questions.  [youtube][/youtube]
8 months ago
Thanks. It is such a rewarding hobby. Fingers crossed I stay pest free.
8 months ago
Ten years ago I was spending way too much on quality coffee. So I decided to have a go at growing my own. These days I'm 100% self-sufficient. It's easier than you think, the coffee is next level delicious and I'm (two of us) saving over $1000/year. I kept getting asked the same questions about it so I decided to fully document the process so anyone with the right climate and a few seedlings could could do it too.

8 months ago
That's what I was wondering 10 years ago and this is how I solved it:
8 months ago
The challenge is not elevation, it is cold. I'm not in the US but I just looked at the 8b zone and coffee will not tolerate frost. If you have a greenhouse or can grow in pots and move them somewhere warm in winter then you will be able to grow delicious coffee at any altitude. Fresh home-grown coffee is a taste sensation and out ways any other factor. If you can keep them above 32F then go for it.

I've been growing and roasting delicious coffee at 500' for over ten years. I get asked about it all the time so I decided to make some videos to document the process.
8 months ago