Misuzu Henderson

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since Jun 25, 2024
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Recent posts by Misuzu Henderson

Stephen B. Thomas wrote:Enjoyed the video quite a bit, Misuzu! Thanks for sharing it. Your enthusiasm and energy is obvious, and fun to watch.

Regarding your fencing: I think that's wise. You have some tempting stuff growing in there, but when it takes that much effort to reach it, it's likely they'll visit your neighbours first, and forget about targeting you.

Thank you!!
I didn’t really expect much people to take time and watch my video. People are so nice here

Yes, the fenced side is actually working I think. No sign of breaking in or anything. But, because the part of sides and front are not enclosed, deers are still coming in to the backyard. And, they always munch on their specific favorites… so obvious.  it’s frustrating, but I’m just laughing at this point, haha.
Looks like this is their favorite stop because my neighbors have nothing planted but lawn!

M. Phelps wrote:nice garden
good idea to leave the grasses taller by the raised beds

i agree with you about the weed whacker string.. ive been thinking about all that plastic lately too

they sell metal blades that i am going to look into

I’m going to have to switch to metal blades one if I still need it probably.

It just makes me so depressed when I think about how much micro plastics have been left in the ground and washed away into the water way…

Thank you for taking your time watching my video!
INFJ here! It totally makes sense that there are a lot of us here.

We can't stand bullshit.
We have to fix the problems.
And, we just can't stop caring!

I learned about being an INFJ a couple years ago and now acknowledging it. I am like this and have no shame or guilt... I'm just letting me to be myself.
That means also it's difficult to find a partner. Yes, I'm aware of that. But, I'm living better than ever because I now have good relationship with myself.
Once you get to this point, you will feel liberating and powerful!

Adam Dylan wrote:Your post really resonated with me. I too have been working tirelessly to cultivate gardens from ground zero, doing everything I can to grow food without harming the environment. Have also had my fair share of both inspiration and discouragement. It's a labor of love, but so rewarding to see the fruits (and veggies!) of my labor. While I don’t think I have the perfect property either, at 40 y.o. I realize I just need to START and do what’s best for my health, nutrition, and living sustainably.

Why not call yourself a permie? I believe actions speak louder than labels anyhow. Best of luck to you on your permaculture journey and keep up the great work!

PS - I also disliked my residential front lawn and am in the process of converting all lawns to food forest, meadows, and gardens. I'll try and post a pic with this year’s progress update; what was once a grass monoculture is now a beautiful chicken pasture and pollination nation!

Thank you for the encouragement, Adam!
Your front yard looks beautiful. It seems huge and must have been quite a work to convert it. I also planted lots of seeds of Black Eyed Suzan this spring. Some grew but not much yet. I'm hoping they will grow and spread like yours next spring.
I had a few chickens at my last place where I lived but not here yet. I think about it, but it's going to require some sort of a sturdy structure to protect them since here is very open. Most likely I will not have them here, but just making plans itself is the fun part of permaculture I think

Hello there!

I decided to show up and speak up.
So here is what I do and who I am.
I am currently living in the undesired situation. Stuck in a neighborhood in suburban town I don't like.

But, I'm not just complaining here.
While dreaming and planning about my future, I'm doing my best I can right now... with my 50 years old 5' tall small body with no like-minded friends near me (I make my unwilling teen son to help around sometimes.)
I get discouraged. I lose hope. I hate my lawn. I hate mindless people. And, I get frustrated because of my limited ability... often feeling like, "Fuck it, just go back to Japan and restart with my parents." By the way, I'm not even from the US has no family or relatives I can rely on here.

"Start now wherever you are" is the most useful lesson I learned from permaculture. It's not easy to grow vegetables in my region costal NC. I only could harvest a handful of stuff this summer. I know I've wasted money and time on gardening.
But, that's not all the result I got.
I've gained so much wisdom and life skills. I developed mindset I needed. Permaculture actually saved me from going insane, lol.

I'm fine. Actually feeling good everyday. I'm not just wanting to do permaculture for myself. I helped lots of butterflies and wild creatures in past years. I tried to reduce my ecological footprint as much as I can.

So my question is... can I call myself a permie? Do I belong in here? Will I be able to live the life I want if I keep doing this?

I hope so!!

Thanks for reading


I really like that you are sharing very detailed plan.

I currently live in eastern NC and am looking for a place to relocate to the mountain region, exactly the areas you are planning to.
I'm a 50 years old single lady. Native of Japan. Have dark hair but not curvy, haha! But, let me know if you are interested. I am skilled in all the domestic household matters. Quite handy and good care taker. Have good knowledge of plants and gardening.

Wishing you the best!


You may not have any spots open at this moment, but I had to ask because your property is like my dream place to relocate!

I currently live in eastern NC looking for a new home around the mountains.
I do gardening, am a plants and nature enthusiast, have raised chickens, love cooking, bake sourdough and been trying fermenting food. I do sewing and all kinds of household tasks with natural methods. I consider myself as a good skilled care taker.

I am a 50 years old, 5' tall petite lady so may not be reliable as a builder but am very energetic to help around outdoor tasks, too.  I'm also working on my permaculture design course right now.

I know it's difficult to find an ideal place to start homesteading... but seeing your beautiful place made me dream and be hopeful
If you have opening in near future, Please let me know!

1 week ago
Hi, I enjoyed watching your YouTube. You are a super talented engineer, intellectual individual, and amazing dad. I see that's who you are.
I noticed what people who are looking for a partner on this website talk about most is what they do and what they have. No one is telling what they need and want from the other person at psychological level. Also being clear about what you can offer to your partner will help. I always wonder and want to know what they actually want... Do they want cuddle and watch movie every night? Or, do they want intellectual conversations about books? Do they want to be the decision maker? Or, are they open to ideas and opinions from the partner? Do they want to spend all day with her or rather value their solitude in the woods?
It's not easy to talk about your inner self especially for men, but that's the quickest way to attract what you want.
I also hate to waste my time on advertising myself on everywhere. So just saying
Good luck to you!
Thank you for the link! I will be watching it today. And, I’m sorry it took long to reply! I didn’t know there was a reply here… still not used to how to use this site. I feel exactly same what you feel about kids. My kids eyes glued on their phones is making me depressed…
3 weeks ago