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fourteen McCoy

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since Jun 16, 2010
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Recent posts by fourteen McCoy

When the bees are making honey,they will fly very far away to find male flowers instead of yourself.That is to say,they help you to find what you want.Whether you find that, where there are more bees,the plants there usually give more fruit.
14 years ago
oh, I konw. My uncle feeds many bees,he told me it will be ok  to do so.When they make honey,at the same time,they fly very far to look for the male trees.In other words,they help you.
14 years ago

    I  think  you 'd  better  introduce some  bees to  the 
kiwi vine trees . It's  a  nature  way. It  may  be  better!
14 years ago
Kiwi vine trees need sunshine and some water .I think they do not very afraid of coldness.
14 years ago
Hello , I have raed your subject; it  is  interesting!! yaeh~~~
I woud like to tell you I am new here and  I am a Chinese girl.

"I did try doing potatos long ago and it was a big FAIL, ha, even though I planted in compost! I'm thinking cold and rot was the issue, so this def helps"
      Do  you feel a little tired after that?  Or just feel very happy?
14 years ago